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File Management

22.4 and later for Hosted (Cloud) customers.

Use the File Management page to upload files, download files to display, and delete files. The list of files is restricted to the ones you have generated or uploaded, excluding log files.

Menu Path

Select e-Forms & Tools from the main menu. From the Tools menu, select File Management.

Display a File

  1. Select a directory.

    1. log: Provides a list of log files generated by the software.

    2. rpt: Provides a list of report files and other files associated with your user directory.

    3. tap: Not used for Hosted (Cloud) customers. It replicates the rpt directory.

  2. Use the filter to reduce the number of files listed in the results.

  3. Click a file name link to download and display the file.

Filter Files

You can filter files to be displayed on the File Management page in two ways.

File Details

  1. Click Filter.

  2. Select the field based on which you want to filter records. For example, File Name.

  3. Enter characters in the filter field. Filter results are reduced to match the criteria.

Do not use wildcard characters in text fields in the filter.

Directory Name

Log directory files display by default. Select an option from the Directory Name list. For example, to display report files, select rpt from the list.

Upload a File

  1. Click Upload File.

  2. Select the appropriate directory.

  3. Click Choose File.

  4. Select one or more files from the file system.

  5. Click Upload.

If you selected a file in error, click the X on the filename button to remove the file before uploading.

Delete Files

Deleted files cannot be recovered in the software.

To delete a single file:

  1. Click Delete (trash icon) on the row of the file to be deleted.

  2. Click Delete to confirm.

To delete multiple files at the same time:

  1. Select the checkboxes on the rows of the files you want to delete. To delete all files, select the checkbox above the file list.

  2. Click Delete in the banner.

  3. Click Delete to confirm.

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