Forms Manager
Forms Manager allows your organization to add district-specific information to your forms without required customization. A user with permissions can create forms for Purchase Orders, Accounts Payable and Payroll Checks, and Miscellaneous Billing invoices and statements.
The following information can be defined and added to the Forms Manager forms using this option:
District name and address can be added, including return address lines for mailer checks.
Logo files can be uploaded to print on any of the forms.
Up to three signatures and titles can be uploaded for checks. Two signatures and titles can be uploaded for purchase orders.
Bank information, as well as the Bank Account MICR code, can be added.
Multiple copies of purchase orders can be defined to print with up to five different routing copies.
Miscellaneous Billing invoices and statements can have the sending email address, subject, and message body defined.
Formats can be copied and then updated to reduce data entry.
References to Miscellaneous Billing options apply to software version 20.11 and later.
Menu Path
Choose eForms & Tools from the main navigation menu. In the Tools menu, choose Forms Manager.
The following menu options are affected by the active formats generated in Forms Manager:
Fund Accounting, Entry & Processing, Vendor Checks, then Manual Checks.
Fund Accounting, Entry & Processing, Vendor Checks, then Vendor Checks.
Purchasing, Entry & Processing, Change Order Processing, then Change Orders.
Purchasing, Entry & Processing, Purchase Order Processing, then Purchase Orders.
Human Resources, Entry & Processing, Payroll, then Manual Checks.
Human Resources, Entry & Processing, Payroll, Pay Run Processing, then Print Checks.
Billing & Receipts, Miscellaneous Billing, Invoices, Online Invoices, then Print Current Invoice or Print All Invoices.
Billing & Receipts, Miscellaneous Billing, Customers, Customer Information, then Print Statement.
When adding and updating formats in Forms Manager, the Format Code selected on an Active format will be verified against the following fields on the Fund Accounting and Human Resources Profiles:
System Administration, Administration, Profiles, then Fund Accounting Profile. On the Accounts Payable tab in the Vendor Checks section, Check Form Type.
System Administration, Administration, Profiles then Fund Accounting Profile. On the Requisitions/PO's tab in the Miscellaneous section, Alternate Portrait PO.
System Administration, Administration, Profiles, then Human Resources Profile. On the Payroll tab in the Pay Check Print Options section, Paycheck Form.
Action Bar Items
Generate | Creates the Forms Manager file containing the information for all active formats currently in the Forms Manager. Formats in this file will be used to print your checks, purchase orders, and Miscellaneous Billing invoices and statements. The district can adjust the print position of various pieces of the check data by using the vertical and horizontal fields on available tabs of the selected form type. |
Forms Manager Defaults | Use this page to assign default formats for users to select from in printing processes. To generate the User Forms Manager Defaults report listing which users are assigned to which formats, select Print. |
Copy | Creates a copy of an existing format. Copied formats can be updated and require less data storage. This option also appears on the Forms Manager Defaults page. Use this to copy one user's settings to another user. Select the formats to be copied. The default is all formats. |
Change District Code | Allows users to change the district code. The district code should be unique to the database. A common practice is to use the site code and add L for Live and T for Train. |
Add, update, delete, or copy formats on the Forms Manager page. Assign formats and add defaults for users. Whenever you make changes you must generate new forms in order for your changes to be applied.
Add a New Format for Accounts Payable and Payroll Checks
For details on fields, refer to the Fields and Descriptions section of this page.
Select e-Forms & Tools, Tools, then Forms Manager.
Select Add new.
Enter your Format Name, Format Code for your accounts payable or payroll checks, and Printer.
If this will be your active format, select the Active Format field. Each Format Type can have only one active format.
On the Address tab, enter your organization's address and any extra text that should appear on your checks and vouchers.
On the Logo and Signatures tab, select the Choose File or Browse button in the Logo File and Signature File 1-3 fields. This will display the standard Open page that will allow you to search for the files that you want to upload.
The name of the button is dependent on your browser. software versions 20.11 and later have an upload icon displayed.Select the *.tiff or *.tif file you want to upload, and then select Open. The file name will display in the Value column when you navigate off the field of the uploaded file.
If applicable in the Title 1-3 fields, enter the job title of the person associated with the signature in the Signature File 1-3.
On the Bank Information tab, enter your organization's bank address and information required for the check and MICR fields.
select OK/Accept to add the format.
Add a New Format for Purchase Orders
For details on fields, refer to the Fields and Descriptions section of this page.
Select e-Forms & Tools, Tools, then Forms Manager.
select Add New.
Enter your Format Name, Format Code for purchase orders, and Printer.
If this will be your active format, select the Active Format field. Each Format Type can have only one active format.
Select or clear Enable PDF Copy Watermark. If selected, purchase order attachments will display PDF Copy on the document, which will carry through when printed.
On the Address tab, enter your organization's address information.
On the Logo and Signatures tab, select the Choose File or Browse button in the Logo File and Signature File 1-2 fields. This will display the standard Open page that will allow you to search for the files that you want to upload.
The name of the button is dependent on your browser. software versions 20.11 and later have an upload icon displayed.Select the *.tiff or *.tif file you want to upload, and then select Open. The file name will display in the Value column when you navigate off the field of the uploaded file.
If applicable, in the Title 1-2 fields, enter the job title of the person associated with the signature in the Signature File 1-2.
On the Purchase Order Text tab, in the Top Text Line 1-2 fields, enter the additional text that your organization wants at the top right of the purchase order under the page number. For additional text at the bottom of the purchase order, enter the information in Bottom Text Line 1-15.
Portrait purchase orders allow for 1-12 additional lines of text to appear at the bottom. Landscape purchase orders allow for 1-15.On the Purchase Order Copies tab, enter the name of each copy the purchase order should be routed to and enter the number of copies for each routing name.
select OK/Accept to add the format.
Add a New Format for Miscellaneous Billing Invoices or Statements
For details on fields, refer to the Fields and Descriptions section of this page.
20.11 and later.
Select e-Forms & Tools, Tools, then Forms Manager.
Select Add New.
Enter your Format Name, Format Code for Miscellaneous Billing invoices and statements, and Printer. If this will be your active format, select the Active Format field. Each Format Type can have only one active format.
On the Address tab, enter your organization's address information.
On the Logo tab, select the Upload button in the Logo File. This will display the standard Open page that will allow you to search for the file that you want to upload.
Select the *.tiff or *.tif file you want to upload, and then select Open. The file name will display in the Value column when you navigate off the field of the uploaded file.
On the Email tab, enter the From Email Address, Email Subject, and Email Body.
select OK/Accept to add the format.
Assign and Set Default Formats for Users
Select e-Forms & Tools, Tools, then Forms Manager.
On the Action Bar, select Forms Manager Defaults.
In the Search Criteria section, enter a User ID, then select Find or Search.
In each of the sections, drag the desired format from the respective section's unassigned column and drop it in the assigned column.
To unassign a format, drag the format from the assigned column and drop it in the unassigned column.
To designate an assigned format as the user's default, select the format, and then select Set Default. You can only designate one default format per format type for a user.
When you finish assigning and unassigning defaults for a user, select Save.
If no defaults are assigned, all users will have permission to use all forms. After forms are assigned for any user, they must be adjusted for all users. Otherwise, users with no defaults will not have permission to use any forms.
Update a Format
Select e-Forms & Tools, Tools, then Forms Manager.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, then select Find or Search.
In the list section, select the format you want to update, and then select OK.
Make your updates to the format, and then select OK/Accept to save your changes.
Delete a Format
Select e-Forms & Tools, Tools, then Forms Manager.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, then select Find or Search.
In the list section, select the format you want to delete, and then select Delete.
A confirmation will display. select Yes to delete the format.
Copy a Format
Select e-Forms & Tools, Tools, then Forms Manager.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, then select Find or Search.
In the list section, select the format you want to copy, and then select Copy.
A confirmation will display. select Yes to copy the format. The new format will be an exact duplicate of the original with the word - Copy added to the Format Name. If the original format is active, the copied format will default as inactive. If copying a format that already has - Copy in it or if a copy of the format has already been made, the program will add - Copy(2), - Copy(3), and so forth.
Generate the Forms Manager File
Select e-Forms & Tools, Tools, then Forms Manager.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, then select Find or Search.
Verify that the formats your organization plans to use have the Active Format field selected or display Yes in the Active Format column in the form list.
select Generate.
Enter additional criteria if applicable, or leave blank to generate the Forms Manager file for all active formats.
Select OK. Information will display indicating how many text files were copied into a temporary directory. These text files will remain in the temporary directory for five minutes. At that time, a scheduled task on the Forms Manager server will move to the main Forms Manager folder on your organization's network. The logos and signatures for each format can be found in the images folder, and the format information will be found under the samples folder. (For example: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Forms\OECI\7.7\samples and C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\ Application Data\Forms\7.7\images)
After these files have been moved, they will be used for printing Accounts Payable Checks, Payroll Checks, Purchase Orders, and Miscellaneous Billing invoices and statements. Each time changes are made to these active formats in the Forms Manager, you will be required to run Generate to have those changes take effect.
It is recommended to wait 5 to 10 minutes and process a test print to confirm changes have been applied.
Adjust the Default Locations on a Format
Select e-Forms & Tools, Tools, then Forms Manager.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, then select Find or Search.
In the list section, select the format you want to update, and then select OK.
Locate the field in the respective tab on the format where you want to adjust the field's default location on the check, purchase order, invoice, or statement.
In the Vertical field, enter a negative number to print the information above the default location. Enter a positive value to print the information below the default location. Measurements are calculated in inches. For example, 1.00 entered in the field would print the information one inch below the default location.
In the Horizontal field, enter a negative number to print the information to the left of the default location. Enter a positive value to print the information to the right of the default location. Measurements are calculated in inches. For example, 1.00 entered in the field would print the information one inch to the right of the default location.
After you have adjusted the fields, select OK/Accept.
To test these adjustments, verify the Active Format field is selected.
Select Generate.
Enter additional criteria if applicable, or leave blank to generate the Forms Manager file for all active formats.
select OK. Wait the necessary time for the scheduled task to run before moving the text files from the temporary directory to the appropriate Forms Manager folders.
Print a test Purchase Order, Accounts Payable Check, Payroll Check, or Miscellaneous Billing invoice or statement to verify expected results. If further adjustments need to be made, you must repeat the entire procedure until the locations are where you expect.
Fields and Descriptions
Search and Main Criteria
Field | Description |
Format Number | System-generated number assigned to the format. |
Format Name | District-defined name for the format. The limit is 40 characters. |
Active Format | Checkbox indication of an active format. Only one format can be active per Format Type. Only active formats can be generated into the Forms Manager file. |
Site Code | Three-character customer code defined by PowerSchool. |
District Code | Unique four-character identifier for the district. Use the Change District Code Action Bar item to change the district code after entry. |
Format Code | The specific format of the form you are using. Valid choices are: Accounts Payable Check - Standard Format 20.11 and later: Miscellaneous Billing Invoice - Standard Format |
Format Type | The specific type of Forms Manager form, based on the Format Code selected. Display only. Following are the types of forms: Accounts Payable Checks 20.11 and later: Misc. Billing Invoices |
Printer | The network printer that will be used to print your form. Contact your System Administrator for the printer information. |
Enable PDF Copy Watermark |
20.11 and later. When selected, purchase order attachments will have a PDF Copy watermark. When cleared, purchase order attachments will have no watermark. |
Address Tab
Field | Description |
Client Name | The name of your organization. The location of the name on the forms varies for each form type. The limit is 40 characters. |
Address Line 2-5 | The address of your organization. The location of the address on the forms varies for each form type. The limit is 40 characters. |
Voucher Text | Single-line text that will print on Payroll Direct Deposit Vouchers and Accounts payable EFT Vouchers below the Address Lines. This field does not display for Purchase Orders or Miscellaneous Billing forms. The limit is 40 characters. |
Check Text | Single-line text that will print on Payroll and Accounts Payable Checks below the Address Lines. This field does not display for Purchase Orders or Miscellaneous Billing forms. The limit is 40 characters. |
Return Address Lines 1 - 4 | The name and address of your organization. Should display for all Format Codes containing Mailer Format. These fields do not display for Purchase Orders or Miscellaneous Billing forms. The limit is 40 characters per line. |
Vertical | Vertically where a corresponding field value on the form will print. Measurements are calculated in inches. Negative values print above its default location. Positive values print below. For example, if 1.00 is entered in the field, the value prints one inch lower than the default location. |
Horizontal | Horizontally where a corresponding field value on the form will print. Measurements are calculated in inches. Negative values print to the left of its default location. Positive values print to the right. For example, if 1.00 is entered in the field, the value prints one inch to the right of its default location. |
Logos and Signatures Tab (Logo Tab for Miscellaneous Billing Forms in 20.11 and Later)
Field | Description |
Logo File | This file contains your organization's logo, district seal, or other images that should display on your Accounts Payable Checks, Payroll Checks, and Purchase Orders. The file must have a *.tiff or *.tif extension. Character/40
Signature File 1-3 | This file contains the signature of the person responsible for signing accounts payable checks, payroll checks, or purchase orders for your organization. The file must have a *.tiff or *.tif extension. Accounts payable and payroll checks allow for three signatures. Purchase orders allow for two. Signatures will print in the order in which they are entered on this page, and the ideal signature size in the upload file should be no larger than two inches wide and half inch high. Character/40 The signature will not print if it is too large. |
Title 1-3 | The title of the person responsible for signing Accounts Payable Checks, Payroll Checks, or Purchase Orders for your organization. Title(s) 1-3 corresponds with Signature(s) 1-3. Accounts Payable and Payroll Checks allow for three signatures and titles and Purchase Orders allow for two. Character/40 |
Vertical | Vertically where a corresponding field value on the form will print. Measurements are calculated in inches. Negative values print above the default location. Positive values print below. For example, if 1.00 is entered in the field, the value prints one inch lower than its default location. |
Horizontal | Horizontally where a corresponding field value on the form will print. Measurements are calculated in inches. Negative values print to the left of its default location. Positive values print to the right. For example, if 1.00 is entered in the field, the value prints one inch to the right of its default location. |
Server File Name | The names of the corresponding file values assigned by the internal process. Display only. |
Purchase Order Text Tab
Only available when the Format Type is Purchase Orders
Field | Description |
Top Text Line 1-2 | Additional lines of text that print by default on the Purchase Order below the page number. Character/40 |
Bottom Text Line 1-15 | Additional lines of text. For Portrait Purchase Orders, 12 lines are available which print in the lower right corner of the purchase order. For Landscape Purchase Orders, 15 lines are available which print in the lower left corner of the purchase order. Character/55 |
Vertical | Vertically where a corresponding field value on the form will print. Measurements are calculated in inches. Negative values print above its default location. Positive values print below. For example, if 1.00 is entered in the field, the value prints one inch lower than its default location. |
Horizontal | Horizontally where a corresponding field value on the form will print. Measurements are calculated in inches. Negative values print to the left of its default location. Positive values print to the right. For example, if 1.00 is entered in the field, the value prints one inch to the right of its default location. |
Purchase Order Copies Tab
Only available when the Format Type is Purchase Orders
Name of PO Copy 1-5 | Name of the person, department or business each copy of the purchase order should be routed to. By default, the value entered prints in the bottom center for Portrait Purchase Orders and in the upper right corner above the Purchase Order number for Landscape Purchase Orders. |
Multiple Copy Count | The total number of duplicate copies you want to print for each routing name. |
Total Number of Copies | System-calculated number. Multiplies the value entered in the Multiple Copy Count field by the number of fields populated in the Name of PO Copy 1-5. Display only. |
Vertical | Vertically where a corresponding field value on the form will print. Measurements are calculated in inches. Negative values print above its default location. Positive values print below. For example, if 1.00 is entered in the field, the value prints one inch lower than its default location. |
Horizontal | Horizontally where a corresponding field value on the form will print. Measurements are calculated in inches. Negative values print to the left of its default location. Positive values print to the right. For example, if 1.00 is entered in the field, the value prints one inch to the right of its default location. |
Check Information Tab
20.11 and later.
Only available when the Format Type is Payroll Check or Accounts Payable Check
Check Number | Define where to position the check number when the check is printed. |
Check Date Label | Define where to position the check date label when the check is printed. |
Check Date | Define where to position the check date when the check is printed. |
Vertical | Vertically where a corresponding field value on the form will print. Measurements are calculated in inches. Negative values print above its default location. Positive values print below. For example, if 1.00 is entered in the field, the value prints one inch lower than its default location. |
Horizontal | Horizontally where a corresponding field value on the form will print. Measurements are calculated in inches. Negative values print to the left of its default location. Positive values print to the right. For example, if 1.00 is entered in the field, the value prints one inch to the right of its default location. |
Bank Information Tab
Only available when the Format Type is Accounts Payable Checks or Payroll Checks
Field | Description |
Bank Line 1-5 | The name and address of your organization's bank. This will print to the right of the information entered in the Client Name and Address Lines 2-5 on the Address tab. The limit is 40 characters. |
Fraction | The fraction number assigned by your organization's bank. This number is usually found in the upper right corner by the check number. |
MICR Check Prefix | If required by your organization, this bank-assigned four-digit prefix will print along with the check number in the Bank Account MICR line. |
MICR Routing Number | Your organization's bank routing number which will print in the Bank Account MICR line. |
MICR Account Number | Your organization's bank account number which will print in the Bank Account MICR line. |
Vertical | Vertically where a corresponding field value on the form will print. Measurements are calculated in inches. Negative values print above its default location. Positive values print below. For example, if 1.00 is entered in the field, the value prints one inch lower than its default location. |
Horizontal | Horizontally where a corresponding field value on the form will print. Measurements are calculated in inches. Negative values print to the left of its default location. Positive values print to the right. For example, if 1.00 is entered in the field, the value prints one inch to the right of its default location. |
Email Tab
Only available when the Format Type is Misc. Billing Invoices or Misc. Billing Statements
Field | Description |
From Email Address | Email address to be displayed as the sender of the email. The limit is 250 characters. |
Subject | Default subject to be displayed on the email. The limit is 50 characters. |
Email Body | Text to be presented as the body of the email. The limit is 1000 characters. |
Additional Setup
In the Forms Manager, a new action “Additional Setup” was added to the Action bar. In the Configure Payee Information section of this page, selecting the checkbox will allow the user to control the print of the payee information for payroll checks and/or accounts payable checks. When this option is selected, a new tab called Payee Information will display for the appropriate check forms. The user will be able to specify how to split the “Pay to the order of” label, position the payee name and address and determine whether to and where to print the vendor number or check location on the check.
After you select this option or make changes to the payee configuration, you will need to run the generate option. If you choose to implement this option, werecommend setting it up in the test environment first and verify that the checks print in a format that will be accepted by the bank.