Data Entry Procedures
The procedures to add, change, and delete records are generally consistent no matter what application or option you use.
Add Records
When you add a record, you must enter data in all required fields on a page. In some cases, required fields are located on tabs within a page. There are some exceptions to this procedure, for example pages that use a wizard for data entry. Those details are described in online help for those pages.
Open the application page associated with the database table where you need to add a record. For example, to add a record to a reference table, from the main module menu select Reference Tables, then select the table from the menu.
On the page toolbar, click Add new. This may open a detail page or open the detail section of a page in Edit mode.
At a minimum, complete the required fields. Most fields provide hover-text to guide you. It is recommended to enter data in the fields in order.
If the page is divided into tabs, you can click a tab to select it, or press Tab on your keyboard to navigate through each tab in order.
When you add records, most pages default the Continuous checkbox as selected. If you are only adding one record, you can clear this option. Otherwise, when you save a new record, the page is set up for you to add an additional new record in the same manner as when you clicked Add new.
After you have completed at least the required fields, click Accept to save the record. If there are any discrepancies in the validation, a message will provide information on how to resolve them. Otherwise, the record is saved.
If the Continuous option is selected, a new blank record page opens in Edit mode. Otherwise, it returns to the page and section where you clicked Add new.
Change Records
You may need to edit or add new information on an existing record. You cannot edit fields that are part of the record key.
Open the application page associated with the database table where you need to change a record. For example, to change a reference table record, from the main module menu select Reference Tables, then select the table from the menu.
Perform a search to identify the record that you need to change.
Select the record from the results list, then click Accept. This may open a detail page or open the detail section of a page in Edit mode.
Update the record fields. Most fields provide hover-text to guide you. It is recommended to enter the changed data in the fields in order. You cannot change key fields. If a key field is incorrect, you must delete the record and add a new one with the correct information.
If the page is divided into tabs, you can click a tab to select it, or press Tab on your keyboard to navigate through each tab in order.
When you change a record, the Continuous checkbox defaults to clear. If you select it, when you save the record it advances to the next record from your search results, opening it in Edit mode. If you do not intend to change the next record, click Back to return to the main page.
After you have completed at least the required fields, click Accept to save the record. If there are any discrepancies in the validation, a message will provide information on how to resolve them. Otherwise, the record is saved.
Delete Records
If you no longer need a record, in many cases you can delete it from the database. A deletion cannot be reversed so a message appears, prompting you to confirm the deletion.
Open the application page associated with the database table where you need to delete a record. For example, to delete a reference table record, from the main module menu select Reference Tables, then select the table from the menu.
Perform a search to identify the record that you need to delete.
Select the record from the listed search results. Review and confirm that you have selected the correct record.
In the page toolbar, click Delete.
On the confirmation dialog, click Yes. The record is deleted and does not appear in search results.
In some cases, if records are in use or have been used previously, a message indicates that the record cannot be deleted for those reasons.
Array Pages
Some records have some information in array pages, which are a subset of the larger record. For example, employee records use array pages for information about degrees, certifications, and credentials earned by the employee. The information appears in a series of columns and rows, like a spreadsheet. The general appearance of array pages is consistent throughout the software and they use the same processes to add, edit, or delete information.
Open the application page associated with the database table where you need to add, change, or delete an array part a record. For example, in Human Resources, select Employee Information, then search for and select an employee record.
In the action bar, select the menu to display the array page. For example, from an employee record select Personnel Information, then Degrees.
To add a new sub-record, click in the first field of an empty row. If the field is table-validated, a list of options appears. Otherwise, enter data in the field.
Press the Tab key on your keyboard to navigate to each field to enter or change information. Press tab from the last field of the last row to begin a new row, or from the action bar select Insert Row to begin a new row before the row you have selected.
To delete a sub-record, select a field in the row, then from the action bar select Delete Row.
After you have completed your changes, click Accept.