Data Entry Terms
Data entry fields in PowerSchool ERP applications can be described using several terms. These terms pertain to the type of data you enter and the importance of entering data in the field.
Data Type
A category describing the type of information you enter in a field. The main data types are character, date, integer, small integer, and decimal.
A character field accepts letters, numbers, keyboard characters, or a combination of this data.
A date field accepts entry of a calendar date in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY. You can select a date from a pop-up calendar or enter the date manually.
An integer field allows a range of -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
A small integer field allows a range of -32,768 to 32,767.
A decimal field accepts a number that contains a decimal point. Decimal points are generally used in fields that represent dollar amounts, such as 25.00, or percentages, such as 0.085 for 8.5%.
Default Value
Data that automatically populated in a field. You can keep the default value or replace it with other data.
A field that populates an entered value, but you cannot edit this data. A display-only field typically has a gray background.
Key Field
Information that by itself or in combination with other field values acts as the unique identifier for a database record. Every record has one or more key fields uniquely identifying it.
If a record has one key field, the value in that field needs to be unique from the same field's value in all table records of the same type. If a record has three key fields, the combination of values in these three fields must be unique from the same combination in all other records for the same database table.
Optional Field
Information useful for reporting or record organization but that is not necessary for the purpose of saving a record.
Required Field
Information you must enter before you can save a record or advance to the next page in a procedure. Pages typically required field labels in red text with an asterisk.
Table-Validated Field
A field that accepts codes or abbreviations defined in a specific reference table. Information entered in such a field must be validated against the corresponding table.