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Notifications Terminology

Following is a brief explanation of some of the terminology pertaining to notifications.




A pre-defined alert that is sent to a user in an e-mail and reviewed in the software wherever the Notification Viewer is available. Notifications also appear in the employee mobile app.

Notification Subscription Page

Users maintain personal settings for pre-defined notifications. A Notifications Administrator performs system setup.

Notifications Viewer

A page where a user can manage notifications they have received. Click the Bell icon to display the Notifications Viewer.

Notifications Category

Identifies the application and module from which a notification was sent. For example, if a notification has a category that includes HR, it means that it came from the Human Resources module.

Notification Digest

A scheduled email sent to a user containing links to all of the notifications that have been received within the timeframe since the previous digest. A Notifications Administrator sets the schedule for the digest.

Notification Schedule

On the System Setup page, a Notifications Administrator assigns the scheduled time for notifications to run and for digests to be emailed to users.

Notification Trigger

An event that takes place within the database that causes a notification to be produced. The notification may be sent to a subscribed user immediately or bundled in a digest, depending on the user settings.

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