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Site-Defined Pages

Use site-defined pages, which typically are created during your implementation, to track extra information not otherwise addressed by standard application fields.

Site-Defined Page Selection

If a site-defined page has been designated as required, the page opens for your input at the appropriate time while you add a record.

Otherwise, you use a site-defined window selector within an application to open the appropriate site-defined page. A selector lists pages defined for the application you are currently using and is typically available in record centers and detail pages.

To access a selector, From the action bar, click the Defined Windows item.

Choose a Defined Window Page

  1. Open the application page that has the site-defined window page that you need to use.

  2. From the action bar, click Defined Windows.

  3. From the list of pages, select the page you need to edit, then click Accept.

  4. Edit the information on the page as needed, then click Accept to save your edits. You must have appropriate security resources to open or edit some pages. If you did not make edits, click Back.

  5. You return to the defined window page list.

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