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Approve Time

The Approve Time page allows employees to submit timesheets and supervisors to approve time submitted.

Approve Timesheets

  1. Select Approve Time.
  2. Select the Active Pay Period and Active Department. The list of timesheets appears.
  3. Use the following links for assistance:

    Exceptions Legend

    Displays the Exceptions legend that explains color-coding in the timesheets.

    Approve All

    Approves all timesheets in the list.

    Expand All

    Expands all timesheets to show details.

  4. Select the timesheets you want to approve, and then select Submit.

Employees cannot submit a timecard in Employee Timesheets if the number of clock-in and clock-out records do not match.

Review a Submitted Timesheet

  1. Select Approve Time.
  2. Select the Active Pay Period and Active Department. The list of timesheets appears.
  3. In the List section, select an employee.
  4. Review the timesheet. If the timesheet is invalid, select a denial reason in the Totals section, and then select Deny.
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