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Adjustments Tab

Use this tab to enter debits and credits to correct differences between your records and the items on your bank statement. Keep in mind that entries in the Adjustments tab do not affect records in your database. The adjustments you make are for reconciliation purposes only.

To display the Adjustments tab, click OK in the Journal Entries tab. You can also display the tab by clicking its header.

Entering Adjustments

There are several instances where you may need to enter an adjustment:

  • When the amount of a check or deposit does not match the amount on your bank statement.
  • When a deposit or check is included in your records but is not listed on your statement, and vice versa.
  • When a record in the Journal Entries tab has no bearing on your checking account but is preventing you from achieving a zero balance in the Uncleared Amounts section's Difference field.
  • When a transaction, such as an account transfer, appears on the statement but has no corresponding record in the Bank Account Reconciliation page.

Adjustments, however, are only intended to help you achieve a balance "on paper." If you are unable to determine the reason for a difference between your records and the bank statement, be sure to bring the issue to the attention of your manager or supervisor.

Offsetting Journal Entries

Many journal entries have no direct relation to a checking account's balance. They appear in the Journal Entries tab because they were entered against the Fund/Account combination associated with your checking account, for example, to correct the amount of a fund transfer within the system or to reverse a previous journal entry.

When a record in the Journal Entries tab does not pertain to your statement's balance, you can offset it by entering a debit or credit in the Adjustments tab. If a journal entry appears as a credit, then the adjustment should be entered as a debit. If the journal entry is a debit, the adjustment should be a credit.

  • Be sure to select the record's Clear checkbox in the Journal Entries tab. Clearing an entry increases the value in the Cleared Amounts section's Journal Entries field and decreases the value in the Uncleared Amounts section's Journal Entries field.
  • You must also select the Corrected checkbox in the Adjustments tab and enter a Date Corrected. This changes the Adjustments Debits or Adjustments Credits value in the Cleared Amounts section. Its only effect in the Uncleared Amounts section is on the balance in the Difference field.

Saving and Eliminating Adjustments

Adjustments that are saved using either the Save or Reconcile item but are not marked as corrected carry over to future reconciliations. For example, if you enter an adjustment record without selecting its Corrected field and use the Reconcile item to complete a reconciliation, the adjustment will appear in the Adjustments tab when you set up your next reconciliation.

  • You can delete an adjustment you do not intend to use by changing its debit or credit amount to zero.
  • As an alternative, you can change the amount of a debit or credit to create a different adjustment and thereby replace the original one.

In either case, select the Corrected checkbox in the Adjustment tab when you want to apply the adjustment. Also remember to use Save on the Action Bar to save your changes or Reconcile to save your changes and complete the reconciliation.

Entering adjustments

  1. Select the Adjustments tab.
  2. Enter an amount in the Debit Amount or Credit Amount field.

  3. In the Comment field, enter a brief explanation of the adjustment. Character/35

  4. To apply the adjustment, select the Corrected checkbox and enter a date in the Date Corrected field. When you tab to the next line, the debit or credit is reflected in the totals in the Cleared Amounts and Uncleared Amounts sections.
    To set up the adjustment but not apply it immediately, leave the Corrected checkbox blank. In this case, you cannot access the Date Corrected field.
  5. Repeat Steps 2-4 to enter additional adjustments.
  6. Click OK to close the tab and display the Voids tab. If there are no voided checks, the Deposits tab re-displays instead.




Debit Amount

Amount to subtract from a transaction to bring it into balance with the corresponding item on your bank statement. Enter the amount as a positive number. Decimal/2

Credit Amount

Amount to add to a transaction to bring it into balance with the corresponding item on your bank statement. Enter the amount as a positive number. Decimal/2


Note describing or explaining the adjustment. You must complete this field if you enter an adjustment in the Debit Amount or Credit Amount field. Character/35


Checkbox determining whether the adjustment should be applied against the reconciliation balance.

  • Select the box if you want to apply the debit or credit.
  • Leave the box blank to prevent the debit or credit from being used. Adjustments not marked as corrected carry over to subsequent reconciliations.

Date Corrected

Date identifying when the adjustment was applied. The default is taken from the Transaction Date field in the Bank Statement Information section. You may use another the date if needed. The date must be between reconciliation begin and end date.

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