Automated Payroll Interface
On this page:
Use this option to change and post batch files containing payroll expenditures and liabilities that have not been distributed in Fund Accounting. These files are created using one of the following Human Resources options:
- Payroll > Pay Run Processing > Fund Accounting Interface
- Payroll > Adjustment Checks
- Payroll > Manual Checks
- Payroll > Void Checks
- Periodic Processing > Redistribute Payroll
Menu Path: Fund Accounting > Periodic Routines > Periodic Processing > Automated Payroll Interface
Action Bar Items
The following items display on the Action Bar of the Automated Payroll Interface list page, the first page to display when you select the Automated Payroll Interface option.
- Print Multiple Batches - Displays the Print Range Selection page, which lets you generate the Payroll Edit List report for one or more batch files. For details, refer to the Procedures section
- Set Period - Displays the Set Period page, where you can change the period, fiscal year, and transaction date. You can also change the period and year when changing a batch record. For details, refer to Resetting Periods.
- Post - Displays the Post Confirmation dialog for posting a selected batch file. For details, refer to the Procedures section.
Payroll Edit Listing Report
Before posting a batch file, you should generate the Payroll Edit Listing report. The report provides details on records in a selected batch, including any errors.
- If the system finds errors in a batch, none of the batch's records can be posted. After correcting the records, you can post file.
- The system also generates a Budget Account Overflow report, which lists any expenditures that exceed their budgets. These must be corrected as well.
For details, refer to the procedures section below.
Budget Balance Checking
The Fund Accounting Profile's Exceed Payroll Budget checkbox determines how the system handles payroll transactions when budgeted funds are not available. If the field is selected, the Automated Payroll Interface will issue a warning when an account's budget is exceeded, but will allow the transaction to be processed, even if the related budget unit's Check Budget Balance flag in the Organization Chart is set to F - Fatal.
Batch Control Numbers
The Human Resources System assigns control numbers to payroll batches when you run the Fund Accounting Interface, Manual Checks, Adjustment Checks, Void Checks, and Redistribute Payroll options. All control numbers begin with the letter P, include the date in MMDDYY format, and end with a letter to indicate the option used:
Option | Control Number | Date (MMDDYY) |
Fund Accounting Interface | PMMDDYYP | Pay run default end date |
Manual Checks | PMMDDYYM | Check transaction date |
Redistribute Payroll | PMMDDYYR | Date the option was run |
Void Checks | PMMDDYYV | Check transaction date |
Adjustment Checks | PMMDDYYM | Check transaction date |
Example: Pay checks were processed with the Fund Accounting Interface option for a pay run with a default end date of December 15, 2017. The control number for the batch generated is P121517P.
Accounting Transactions
Following are the types of transactions generated when a batch payroll file is posted and distributed:
Gross Wages | |
Debit | Salary Expense Account for Fund |
Credit | Payroll Cash Account for same Fund |
Fringe Benefits | |
Debit | Fringe Expense Account for Fund |
Credit | Payroll Cash Account for same Fund |
Deduction Liability | |
Debit | Payroll Cash Account for Deduction amount |
Credit | Liability Account of Payroll Fund for Deduction amount |
Fringe Liability | |
Debit | Payroll Cash Account for Fringe amount |
Credit | Liability Account of Payroll Fund for Fringe amount |
To review individual records after posting a batch, run Fund Accounting > Entry & Processing > Detailed Displays > Transactions. You can search for records using the Transaction Code 22 - Payroll Transaction.
Following are the steps for printing, changing, and posting batch payroll files. If needed, use the Set Period item in the Automated Payroll Interface page to change the transaction year, period, or date before running a procedure.
Generating the Payroll Edit Listing Report
- Select Fund Accounting > Periodic Routines > Periodic Processing > Automated Payroll Interface to display the Automated Payroll Interface list page.
The page lists all batch files waiting to be posted. - Select a batch, and then click Print.
To generate a report for multiple batches, click Print Multiple Batches on the Action Bar to display the Print Range Selection page- Use the Control Number and Pay Run fields to select records.
- Insert the pipe symbol between control or pay run numbers to select multiple batches, for example, P121517P|P121517M|P121517V.
- Leave the fields blank to include all batches
- In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The default file name of the report is payroll.rpt.
Changing a Batch Payroll Record Prior to Posting its File
- Select Fund Accounting > Periodic Routines > Periodic Processing > Automated Payroll Interface to display the Automated Payroll Interface list page.
The page lists all batch files waiting to be posted. - Select the batch containing the record, and then click OK.
The Automated Payroll Interface record center displays. - In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria to identify the records to list, and then click Find.
- In the List section, use the down arrow key to scroll through the records.
As you select a record, its data displays in the Charge Information section. If a record contains an invalid budget unit or account, an error message displays next to the field affected, for example, Account not on file. - Select the record you want to change, and then click OK.
- In the Charge Information section, change the desired fields.
- Click OK to save the record.
- To change another record in the batch, repeat Steps 4-7. Otherwise, click Back as many times as needed to close the record center.
Posting a Batch File
- Generate the Payroll Edit Listing report for the batch you want to post. For details, refer to the Generating the Payroll Edit Listing report procedure above.
- Correct any errors indicated in the report, following the procedure for changing batch payroll records.
- Run the report again to make sure your batch records are error free.
- Select Fund Accounting > Periodic Routines > Periodic Processing > Automated Payroll Interface to display the Automated Payroll Interface list page.
- Select the batch containing the records you want to post.
- Click Post.
- In the Post Confirmation dialog, Click Yes to post the records.
- If the system completes the posting, the Post Payroll page displays, listing the records that posted successfully.
- If the system detects any errors, the Post Payroll page lists the transactions affected. If errors are detected in a batch, no transactions can be posted.
- To correct the errors listed, follow the procedure for changing batch records, and then run the Payroll Edit Listing report to make sure the batch is error free. If so, you can post the batch.
- Click OK in the Post Payroll page to return to the Automated Payroll Interface page.
- If the Create Clearing Entries for Payroll Interfund option is enabled in the Fund Accounting profile, when vendor checks are printed, a new journal entry is created to reverse the due to/due from entries. This entry clears the due to/due from account balances that were created as part of the payroll distribution posting and records the transfer of cash from the salary and benefits funds to the clearing fund. The clearing entries will be created every time vendor checks are printed.
- When the Fund Accounting profile flag Print Checks by Bank Account is checked for Automated Payroll Interface, the Cash Account no longer needs to be set up on the Bank Account table. When processing payroll charging transactions, if Cash Interfund Balancing is checked and Create Clearing Entries for Payroll Interfund is unchecked, the cash account number will use the Fund Accounting profile Payroll Fund and Payroll Cash Account. When processing payroll charges, if Cash Interfund Balancing is unchecked or Cash Interfund Balancing and Create Clearing Entries for Payroll Interfund are checked, the cash account number will use the salary or benefit expense fund and the Fund Accounting profile Payroll Cash Account.