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Automatic Check Numbering

23.10 and later

The Fund Accounting system provides the opportunity to set up automatic check numbering for accounts payable, payroll, and student activities checks based on the bank account from which they are processed. This reduces the need to manually track the next available check number for a bank account by defaulting to the next sequential check number available based on configuration settings. Duplicate validation is performed to prevent using the same check number for multiple transactions in error.

Sequences can be assigned to document types, and multiple document types can share a sequence if they use the same bank account for check processing.

Menu Path

From the Fund Accounting menu, select Reference Tables. Then, select Bank Account Information.


Users must have security resource 20: May Update Bank Account Information to be able to configure the check sequences on the Bank Account Information table.

Bank Information Configuration

Enter a unique Bank Account and Title to identify the record. These fields cannot be edited after the record has been saved.

Print Checks Options

Select the appropriate checkboxes as they apply to the bank account.

  • Print AP Checks

  • Print Payroll Checks

You can select neither, one, or both of these options for a bank account record, with some limitations:

  • At least one bank account record should be designated for each check type.

  • There can be only one bank account record used to print payroll checks.

    • If you select Print Payroll Checks on another record (in edit mode or when entering a new record), a message appears to confirm that you want to replace the existing payroll bank account with the current bank account.

    • If you proceed to change the payroll bank account on the Bank Account Information page, the new account is entered on the Fund Accounting profile Funds and Accounts tab as the Payroll Bank Account.

    • Conversely, if you change the Payroll Bank Account on the Fund Accounting profile, a similar message appears to confirm that you want to replace the existing payroll bank account. If you proceed, then the Bank Account Information table is updated and the Print Payroll Checks option is removed from the previous account, and added to the new account. However, the Document Types are not copied and must be selected for the new payroll bank account.

  • If you print vendor checks by disbursement fund (on the Fund Accounting profile Accounts Payable tab, Vendor Checks section, Print Checks by Bank Account is not selected), a fund and cash account combination may only be used on one bank account record designated to print accounts payable checks. The same combination may be used on the bank account used to print payroll checks, which may be the same account if both print options are selected, or could be a different bank account. A message appears if you attempt to use the same information on an additional record.

Bank Account for AP Check Print

If the Bank Account Information record does not have Print AP Checks selected, an optional field appears where you can enter an alternate bank account to be used for accounts payable checks if the Cash Account Budget Unit and Account, or Cash Account Number, validated against the transaction, match the bank account record that is not designated to print the accounts payable checks.

Default Cash Budget Unit and Account or Default Cash Account Number

If you use Cash Interfund Balancing (on the Fund Accounting profile System Options tab, Miscellaneous section, Cash Interfund Balancing is selected), enter the disbursement fund information in the Default Budget Unit and Default Cash Account, or Default Cash Account number, fields.

Account Details

Refer to the Bank Account Information Table page for details.

Check Numbering

This tab only appears if one of the print checks options is selected.

  1. Use the lookup to select Document Types. The list is based on the print checks selections and user resources.

  2. Enter the Next Number to be used when checks are processed. After the initial entry and save, this field automatically updates the Next Number when checks identified in the Document Types are processed.

If you use different sequences for different Document Types for a single bank account, they should be significantly different to prevent overlap in duplicate check number validations. For example, if you initially enter a Next Number for Payroll Checks as 1000, and you enter the Next Number for Payroll Vouchers as 1200, then after 199 payroll checks are processed the system will attempt to use check number 1200 for a payroll check. If payroll vouchers were processed, and the Payroll Voucher Next Number has incremented, the system will identify Payroll Check 1200 as a duplicate because it was used for a Payroll Voucher.

Check Number Sequencing

Check numbers are determined by the fund and account, or account number, and the document type for a transaction after validations are run. If Automatic Check Numbering is configured for the bank account on a transaction, the check number is populated automatically from the Next Number field and cannot be edited, with an exception if you want to use the same check number for the same vendor on the same date.

If the Bank Account Information record does not have information for the document type being used, manual entry is allowed.

Duplicate Check Number Validation

Duplicate check number validations will be performed across all document types for a Bank Account. If the same Bank Account is used for printing AP and Payroll Checks, a check number will be considered duplicate if the check number exists in the Fund Accounting or Payroll module.

Rules and Validations of Automatic Check Numbering

Fund Accounting Profile Configuration

Bank Account and Check Number Validation

Print Checks by Bank

The check number entered is based on the next number in the Bank Account Information record for the document type. If the document type is not selected for the bank account, you can manually enter a beginning check number while processing checks.

  • Fund Accounting AP checks: Uses the bank account entered on the transaction and the document types for the bank account record.

  • Payroll: Uses the Payroll Bank Account designated on the Fund Accounting profile and the document types for the payroll bank account record.

Cash Interfund Balancing On

(Print Checks by Bank not used, printing by disbursement fund)

The system checks the fund and cash account, or cash account number, used on the transaction.

  • The disbursement fund and cash account, or cash account number, must be configured as Default Cash Budget Unit and Account, or Default Cash Account Number, in the Bank Information section on a record in the Bank Account Information table.

  • If the fund on the transaction has a disbursement fund, it looks for a match in the Bank Account Information table to the Default Cash Budget Unit and Account, or Default Cash Account Number.

Cash Interfund Balancing Off

(Print Checks by Bank not used, printing by disbursement fund)

The system uses the fund and cash account, or the cash account number, on the transaction to determine if automatic check numbering is used.

  • The fund and cash account, or cash account number, must be configured as Account Details in the Bank Information section on a record in the Bank Account Information table.

  • The system looks for a match to the transaction fund and account, or account number, in the Bank Account Information table to the Account Details Cash Budget Unit and Account, or Account Details Account Number.

Check Printing

Check Type


Payroll Checks, Payroll Vouchers, Payroll Email Vouchers

Student Activities Checks if used

Print Pay Checks: Pay Check Setup page

  • If there are no Payroll Checks to process (only vouchers and email vouchers), then in the Print Checks activity of Pay Run Processing, on the Pay Check Setup page, the Type of Checks will only list a Vouchers Only option.

  • If there are no Payroll Vouchers or Payroll Email Vouchers to process, then in the Print Checks activity of Pay Run Processing, on the Pay Check Setup page, the Type of Checks will only list a Cashable Checks option.

  • If Payroll Checks and Payroll Vouchers use different sequencing on the payroll bank account record, then the Type of Checks will not list the All option. The options will be Cashable Checks and Vouchers Only.

  • If Payroll Checks and Payroll Vouchers use the same sequencing, the Type of Checks will list the All option. If you select All:

    • A checkbox option appears for Separate Numbering for Email Vouchers.

    • If Payroll Email Vouchers uses the same sequencing as Payroll Checks and Payroll Vouchers, the Separate Number for Email Vouchers option and the field to enter a Beginning Email Voucher Number are inactive.

    • If Payroll Email Vouchers use a different sequence from Payroll Checks and Payroll Vouchers, then if you select Separate Number for Email Vouchers, it populates the number based on the payroll bank account document type for Payroll Email Vouchers, otherwise the Payroll Email Vouchers will follow the sequence for Payroll Checks and Payroll Vouchers. If you select the Separate Number for Email Vouchers option and Payroll Email Vouchers is not a selected document type for the payroll bank account, you can manually enter a Beginning Email Voucher Number.

  • If you select the Type of Checks to be Vouchers Only or All and the Payroll Email Voucher sequence is the same as the Payroll Voucher sequence, the Separate Number for Email Vouchers option and the field to enter a Beginning Email Voucher Number are inactive.

  • If an entire check batch needs to be re-printed and you enter 0 (zero) as the Last Good Check Number, the first Check Number is populated automatically based on validations.

Payroll Manual Checks, Payroll Adjustment Checks

Student Activities Manual Checks if used

Manual or Adjustment Check entry

  • If the payroll bank account designates Payroll Adjustment Checks and Payroll Manual Checks as document types, then when processing these types of checks the check number is automatically populated. Otherwise you can manually enter a check number.

Manual or Adjustment Check printing

  • On the Print Manual/Adjustment Checks page, in the Print Setup, if the payroll bank account record has a designated sequence for Payroll Adjustment Checks or Payroll Manual Checks, respectively, then if you select Use New Check Number, the next sequence number is automatically populated and cannot be changed. If the document type you are processing is not designated on the bank account record, you can manually enter a New Check Number.

Vendor Checks, Vendor Vouchers

ePayables if used

Student Activities Checks if used

Process Payables page

  • Validation prevents document types with different sequencing designated on the bank account record from being processed together. A message alerts the user to make criteria adjustments as needed so that only one document type is processed.


  • If the First and Last Voided Check Number fields are used and are a continuation of the sequence on the bank account record for the document type, then the Beginning Check Number populates as the Last Voided Check Number plus 1. Otherwise, it populates as the Next Number for the document type in the bank account record.


  • The Next Check Number field populates as the Last Good Check Number plus 1. You can override the Next Check Number field.

  • If the First and Last Voided Check Number fields are used and are a continuation of the sequence on the bank account record for the document type, then the Beginning Check Number populates as the Last Voided Check Number plus 1. Otherwise, it populates as the Last Good Check Number plus 1.

Vendor Manual Checks

Student Activities Manual Checks if used

Manual Check Entry

  • In the Enter Check Information section, if the bank account record has Vendor Manual Checks as a document type, the Check Number is populated as the Next Number from the bank account record.


  • If you select the New Check Number option, the field populates with the Next Number from the bank account record if Vendor Manual Checks is listed as a document type. Otherwise you can manually enter a check number.

  • If you are printing a check for a vendor with an existing check on the same issue date, it can be appended if the original check has not been printed. In the Enter Check Information section, select Override Auto Numbering and enter the original check number. The system will validate that the check number entered is used for the same vendor and same date, otherwise a message appears and the manually entered check number is not accepted.

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