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Backup Fixed Assets to Disk

Menu Path: System Administration > All > Backups to Disk > Backup Fixed Assets to Disk

System Administration's Backup Fixed Assets to Disc option enables you to save a copy of all tables used to store Fixed Assets records. This data is saved to a predefined directory location on your server.

Running a backup enables you to restore your records to their original state if you run a particular process and experience unsatisfactory results. The procedure for restoring a saved backup file depends on the type of database engine you use. Database restoration procedures are handled by your system administrator.

Backing up your database requires all users to remain out of the system from the time the backup is run until any processes you are running have been verified as successful.

Back up your Fixed Assets Tables

  1. Verify all users are logged out of the package you are backing up.
  2. Choose the Backup Fixed Assets to Disc page.
  3. Click Yes.
  4. On the Backup to Disk page, make note of the Backup Location for the tables you are copying.
  5. Click Yes to process the backup.




Backup Type

The software package you are backing up, Fixed Assets.

Backup Desc

Product code for the software package you are backing up, FIX.

Engine Type

Code indicating the database engine being used, such as MSV for Microsoft SQL Server.

Engine Desc

Full description of the database engine.

Bckp Loc

Directory location on your application server where the backup table data will be copied. Make note of the directory path and file name. If a backup file already exists in this location, the system overwrites the file when you run a backup.

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