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Balance Sheets

The Balance Sheets menu includes the following options:

Print Balance Sheets by Fund

Provides a separate balance sheet for each fund. The default file name of the report is balsheet.rpt.

Print Combining Balance Sheet

Combines balance sheets based on the Fund Group established in the Organization Chart. The default file name of the report is balsht3.rpt.

Print Consolidated Balance Sheet

Consolidates all funds into one balance sheet. The default file name of the report is balsht2.rpt.

For the standard procedure for generating financial reports, refer to Financial Report Menus.

Menu Path:  Fund Accounting > Reports > Balance Sheets > select an option


The following checkboxes may appear in a page's Additional Criteria section based on the option you are using:

Zero Balances

Select this field if you want the report to include fund groups that have zero balances in both the current and prior years. Leave the box blank to exclude these groups.

Include Encumbrances

Select this field if you want the reported expenditures to include encumbrances. Leave the box blank to exclude encumbrances.

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