Bank Transmission File Format Page
Use this page to add, search, list, review, change, and print records in the Bank Transmission File Format table. Records sharing the same Layout Code form a single bank file layout to use when running Fund Accounting's Bank Transmission File option.
For the concepts and requirements associated with setting up file formats, including a detailed example, refer to Creating Bank Transmission File Formats.
Menu Path: Fund Accounting > Reference Tables > Reference Tables > Bank Transmission File Format
Creating a file layout
Select Fund Accounting > Reference Tables > Reference Tables > Bank Transmission File Format to display the Bank Transmission File Format page.
Click Add New.
In the Bank Layout Field Information section, complete the fields in accordance with your bank's specifications.
We recommend that you complete the Record Types in numeric order (lowest to highest) and create all records for each Record Type in the order of their File Positions. To enter the records consecutively, leave the Continuous checkbox selected.Click OK to save the record.
Repeat Steps 3-4 for each record you need to add. Remember that you must complete a record for each field within a Record Type.
Changing a Bank Transmission File Format record
Select Fund Accounting > Reference Tables > Reference Tables > Bank Transmission File Format to display the Bank Transmission File Format page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria to identify the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
In the List section, select the record you want to change.
Click OK.
In the Bank Layout Field Information section, change the desired fields.
Click OK to save the record.
Deleting a Bank Transmission File Format record
Select Fund Accounting > Reference Tables > Reference Tables > Bank Transmission File Format to display the Bank Transmission File Format page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria to identify the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
In the List section, select the record you want to delete.
Click Delete.
Click Yes.
Generating the Bank File Layout List report
Select Fund Accounting > Reference Tables > Reference Tables > Bank Transmission File Format to display the Bank Transmission File Format page.
In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria to identify the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
Click Print.
In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The default file name of the report is bnk_layout.rpt.
Field | Description | ||||||||||||||||||
Layout Code | Code identifying a bank transmission file layout. The same code applies to all records in the layout. Select: A - Accounts Payable - Indicates that the file contains accounts payable checks generated in Fund Accounting. The Layout Code continues to display as you begin each subsequent record. Do not change the code, unless you want to start a new file layout. Also, keep in mind that you cannot change a record’s code once the record is saved. Character/10 | ||||||||||||||||||
Description | Brief description of the file’s contents, for example, ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FORMAT or MIDLAND BANK FORMAT. Changing the description in one record changes it in all records associated with a layout. Character/25 | ||||||||||||||||||
Record Type | Code identifying the type of record being created within a file layout. Select: 1 - File Header - Designates the current record as the header record for the entire file layout.
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File Position | Number identifying a field’s location in a particular Record Type. Records must be entered and numbered in sequentially. Integer/4 Example: If the bank’s specifications call for a check detail record with five fields, enter a record for each field in the specified order, assigning 3-Detail Record as the Record Type and numbering the records from 1-5 in the File Position field. | ||||||||||||||||||
Delimiter | Optional character for separating fields in a file layout, such as a comma or semicolon. This notifies the system where to start and stop when reading a field. Character/1
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Field Name | Name of a check-related field in an AP or paycheck record. The field’s selections, which apply to either AP checks or payroll checks, include:
Both Check Types Today's Date
| ||||||||||||||||||
Format | Defines a field’s format. Select: RIGHT - Right Justified - Aligns the last number or character in a value with the field's right-hand side. If specified in the Literal field, the system fills empty positions at the beginning with zeros or characters. If the record is for a Literal value, the Format field is not used. A format selection is used only for records where you also chose a Field Name. | ||||||||||||||||||
Literal | Multi-functional field. Your entry can include one of the following, depending on your bank’s specifications. Character/30
| ||||||||||||||||||
Note | If the bank file information includes single or double quotation marks, you must enclose the Literal entry in single quotation marks. For example, if 'test' or "test" is specified, enter ''test'' or '"test"'. | ||||||||||||||||||
Start Position | Number identifying the position in a record where a field begins. Integer/4 This value must be one greater than the Stop Position of the previous field, unless the current record is a Record Type’s first field, in which case you must enter 1 as the Start Position. You cannot access this field if a Delimiter is being used. | ||||||||||||||||||
Stop Position | Number identifying the position in a record where a field ends. You cannot access this field if a Delimiter is being used. Integer/4 | ||||||||||||||||||
Field Length | Number of positions in a field. If a Delimiter is not being used, the system calculates the length based on the values in the Start Position and Stop Position fields. Otherwise, you must enter the length. Integer/4 | ||||||||||||||||||
Important | As you define the detail record portion of a bank file layout, ensure that the sum of the Field Lengths for all the Layout Code’s 3 - Detail records does not exceed 128 characters. | ||||||||||||||||||
Include Decimal Point | Checkbox indicating whether a decimal point should be included in a field’s numeric value.
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Batch Group | Checkbox determining how the system groups batches in your transmission file. This setting only applies if the Record Type is 2 - Batch Header. For each bank file layout where a batch header is used, ensure that at least one record with the 2 - Batch Header record type has this checkbox selected. You can group checks by dates, status, or other criteria, based on your selection in the Field Name field. You can group your detail records based on a combination of fields as well. Example: If a bank wants records grouped by date, select 2 - Batch Header in the Record Type field and AP Check Date in the Field Name field, then select the Batch Group checkbox. These settings create Batch Header records for each date. You must also set up a Batch Trailer record to follow each batch. Refer to the Record Type to Count field for an example. | ||||||||||||||||||
Count or Sum | Indicates whether the current record must provide either a record count or total amount of the checks in a batch or file. This field only applies to 4 - Batch Trailer, 5 - File Trailer 1, and 6 - File Trailer 2 records. Select: C - Count records Leave the field blank if you are not setting up a count or sum record. | ||||||||||||||||||
Record Types to Count (1-6) | Checkboxes for designating the Record Types that apply to a record count. The boxes correspond to the selections in the Record Types field. Select the boxes to indicate which Record Types to use in the count. | ||||||||||||||||||
Note | If you want the Batch Trailer record to include the number of batches in the file, you must use the field name entered in the Batch Header Record. Example: For a count of all checks in the batches created in the previous example (Batch Group field), set up the Batch Trailer record as follows:
In this case, the Field Name field in the Batch Header record was AP Check Date. Also keep in mind that to produce multiple batches, the Batch Header’s Batch Group field must be selected. |