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Changes in General Fixed Assets

Menu Path:  Fixed Assets > Reports > Fixed Assets Reports > Changes in General Fixed Assets

Use this option to generate the Schedule of Changes in General Fixed Assets report for either the current or prior fiscal year.

The report takes information from the GASB table to show the selected fiscal year's start and end-of-year asset balances for government-related activities. It also shows asset additions and deductions on an activity-by-activity basis. The report is organized by function, then by activity within each function.

The beginning balance is the sum of the GASB table's beginning balance field for a function/activity plus the prior-year adjustment field. If the adjustment field was not zero, an asterisk indicates the amount is a prior period adjustment. All amounts round to the nearest dollar.

Generate the Schedule of Changes in the General Fixed Assets Report

  1. Choose the Changes in General Fixed Assets page.

  2. Choose the Fiscal Year for viewing the asset changes. You can select either the current or previous fiscal year.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is schchgfx.rpt.

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