Depreciation Audit List
Menu Path: Fixed Assets > Reports > Fixed Assets Reports > Depreciation Audit List
Use this option to generate the Depreciation History report which provides details on depreciation posted through the Asset Depreciation page. For each posted depreciation you select, the report shows the fiscal year when the processing occurred along with the following information:
- Asset ID
- Fund Type
- Function
- Activity
- Depreciation Amount
- Transaction Date
- General Ledger Account
- Accumulated Depreciation Account
- Fiscal Year/Month Posted Through
The report lists assets that had depreciation posted to the General Ledger. It also lists assets that were not posted.
Generate the Depreciation History Report
Choose the Depreciation Audit List page.
Enter criteria identifying the records to include, and then click OK. To run an advanced search, select Advanced.
In the Sort Order section, you can define up to three sort levels.
Click OK.
Specify how to generate the report, then click OK. The report's default file name is deprdt1.rpt.