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Expenditure Budgets Adjustment Page

Use the Expenditure Budgets Adjustment page to adjust budgeted amounts in your Expenditure Ledger, including the annual budget and per period allocations.

  • To adjust a budget, enter the amount of the adjustment, not the new total.
  • To increase the annual budget or period allocation, enter a positive dollar amount in the appropriate adjustment field.
  • To decrease the annual budget or period allocation, enter a negative dollar amount in the appropriate adjustment field.

When you save the adjustment, the system re-calculates all of the fields affected and posts the new amounts to the Expenditure Ledger.

Menu Path

From the Fund Accounting menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Budget Ledgers menu, select Expenditure Ledger. Then, search for and select a record, and click Adjust Budget on the Action Bar

Adjust the Budget for an Expenditure Ledger Record

  1. From the Expenditure Budgets page, in the Selection Criteria section, enter criteria to identify the records to list and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
  2. In the List section, select the record to adjust, and then click Adjust Budget.
  3. Tab through the Budget Unit and Account or Account Number fields to display budget information in the fields to the right (Current Budget through Control Balance Amount).
  4. Enter a Description and Control Number.
  5. In the Budget Adjustment field, enter the adjustment amount, using a positive number for an increase or a negative number for a decrease.
    • Only enter the adjustment. Do not enter the new (resulting) annual budget. For example, to decrease the Current Budget of 10,000.00 to 9,000.00, enter -1,000.00.
  6. In the Allocation Adjustments section, enter the amounts to increase or decrease the 1st-12th Period budgets. Use a positive number for an increase and a negative number for a decrease.
    • Only enter the adjustment. Do not enter the new (resulting) period amount. For example, to decrease a period's budget from 1,000.00 to 900.00, enter -100.00.
    • The total adjustments in the Period fields must equal the value in the Budget Adjustment field.
  7. If you intend to adjust the next record from the Expenditure Budgets page's List section, leave the Continuous checkbox selected, Otherwise, clear the checkbox.
  8. Click OK to post the adjustments directly to the Expenditure Ledger. The system calculates the new amount after you post the adjustment.
  9. If the Continuous checkbox is selected, the next record from the Expenditure Budgets page displays. To adjust this record, repeat Steps 4-8.
    If you cleared the Continuous checkbox, you return to the Expenditure Budgets page.


Budget Information Section

Use the fields in this section to specify a budget unit-account or account number, enter a description and batch control number, assess the current budget, and enter the adjustment to the annual budget amount.



*Budget Unit*

Low organization whose budget is being adjusted.

This field is not displayed if the Full Account Format option is enabled in the Fund Accounting profile. The Full Account Format option is available in versions 22.4 and later.


Account being adjusted within the low organization.

This field is not displayed if the Full Account Format option is enabled in the Fund Accounting profile.

Account Number
22.4 and later.

If the Full Account Format option is enabled in the Fund Accounting profile, enter the full account number based on the format defined in Fund Accounting profile translation page. The title is automatically populated.

(Ledger) Title
22.4 and later.

The Ledger Title may be comprised of the Budget Unit and Account titles but can be edited by a user.


Brief description of the expenditure adjustment. Character/25

Control Number

Optional number for grouping this record with other records. Character/8

You can use this number when searching for records in the Fund Accounting Transactions page.

Budget Adjustment

Amount to increase or decrease the unit's annual budget amount. Use a positive number to increase the budget or a negative number to decrease it. Your entry here affects the following display-only fields, but only after you save the adjustment record:

  • Current Budget
  • Expenditures
  • Encumbrances
  • Budget Balance
  • Control Budget
  • Control Balance Amount

Current Budget

Annual budget for this expenditure record. This total equals the sum of the expenditure record's Period (1-13) fields.


Total expenditures in the fiscal year to date, as of the period displayed.


Total encumbrances stored in the expenditure record, as of the period displayed.

Budget Balance

Budgeted expenditures remaining in the fiscal year, as of the period displayed. The system calculates the balance as follows: Current Budget - (Expenditures + Encumbrances).

Control Budget

Total amount budgeted for the control budget unit and account combination or account number associated with the expenditure record.

  • If you use parent-child accounting, this value equals the amount budgeted for all records with this record's control unit-account combination.
  • If not, the Control Budget and Current Budget are the same.

Control Balance Amount

Budgeted expenditures remaining in the fiscal year for the record's control budget unit-control account. The balance represents the Control Budget less all expenditures and encumbrances charged to the control unit-control account combination. If the record's budget unit-account and control unit-account are the same, the balance equals the value in the Budget Balance field.

Allocation Adjustments Section

Use these fields to enter budget adjustments for individual periods within the fiscal year. Periods 1-12 represent a fiscal year's regular accounting periods, while period 13 is used as an audit period after a year is closed.


Per period adjustment amounts for budgeted expenses. Enter an increase as a positive number and a decrease as a negative number. The total from these fields must equal the value in the Budget Adjustment field. For example, if you enter -100 in the 1st-12th Period fields, the Budget Adjustment field must equal -1200.

If the budget unit-account is budgeted on an annual rather than a per period basis, the annual budgeted amount is stored in the 1st Period field. To change a record to per period budgeting, enter the period amounts as increases in the 2nd-12th Period fields (using positive numbers) and then adjust the 1st Period by subtracting the total of the increases (using a negative number).

Example: A record's annual budget is $24,000. This amount is stored in the 1st Period field if the account is budgeted on an annual basis, in which case, all other Period fields are set to 0.00. To allocate an equal amount to periods 1-12, enter -22000 in the 1st Period field (thereby leaving a balance of 2000), and then enter 2000 in the 2nd-12th Period fields. The Budget Adjustment field must remain at its 0.00 default, since you are not changing the annual budget itself, only the period amounts.

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