Expenditure Status Reports
Use the options on the Expenditure Status Reports menu to generate reports that include the following information for the expenditure ledgers selected: budgets, period expenditures, encumbrances outstanding, year-to-date encumbrances and expenditures, available balances, and percentages of budgets spent in the year to date.
For the standard procedure for generating financial reports, refer to Financial Report Menus.
Menu Path: Fund Accounting > Reports > Expenditure Status Reports > select an option
Menu Options
The following options on the Expenditure Status Reports menu can be used to generate regular expenditure reports:
Detail Expenditure Status Report | Provides expenditure status detail by fund, organization, and account number. The report's page includes a Pre-encumbrance Detail checkbox, which if selected, includes pre-encumbrance information. The default file name of the report is expstatd.rpt. |
Expenditure Status Report | Provides expenditure status information by account. The report's page includes a Zero Balance checkbox, which if selected, includes accounts that have zero balances. The default file name of the report is expstat.rpt. |
Summary Exp(enditure) Status Report | Provides a summary of expenditure status information by fund. The default file name of the report is expstats.rpt. |
In addition, the following options are available for generating GASB (Governmental Accounting Standards Board) reports. These reports are similar in format to those used in the regular expenditure status reports.
GASB Detail Expenditure Status Report | Provides expenditure status detail by fund, organization, and account number. The report's page includes a Pre-encumbrance Detail checkbox, which if selected, includes pre-encumbrance information. The default file name of the report is gexpstatd.rpt. |
GASB Expenditure Status Report | Provides expenditure status information by account. The report's page has a Zero Balance checkbox, which if selected, includes accounts with zero balances. The default file name of the report is gexpstat.rpt. |
GASB Summary Expenditure Status Report | Provides a summary of expenditure status information by fund. The option's page includes a Zero Balances checkbox, which if selected, includes accounts with zero balances. The default file name of the report is gexpstats.rpt. |