Fixed Assets - Information Management
The Fixed Assets System provides a variety of reports for you to access information, manage system data, and comply with CAFR/GASB requirements.
- Use the options on the Fixed Assets > Reports menu to track and verify your asset records and depreciation:
- Asset Summary by Major Class
- Changes in General Fixed Assets
- Depreciation Audit List
- Depreciation Expense
- Depreciation Listing
- Detail Listing of Fixed Assets
- Fixed Assets by Fund Source
- Fixed Assets by Location
- GASB Edit List
- Note 1 Capital Assets Activity
- Physical Inventory Worksheet
- Schedule by Function and Activity
- Summary Listing of Fixed Assets
- Transfer Register Listing
- At the appropriate time, run the following reports on the Fixed Assets > Reports menu to comply with Comprehensive Annual Financial Reporting (CAFR) requirements:
- Fixed Assets by Fund Source
- Schedule by Function and Activity
- Changes in General Fixed Assets
- Generate reports specific to the page you are using by clicking Print on the page's toolbar.