Fixed Assets Report Options
The options on the Fixed Assets Reports menu allow you to generate a wide variety of reports on your fixed assets records. The reports can be sorted by major class, fund source, or location and can be generated in detail or summary format.
Menu Path: Fixed Assets > Reports > Fixed Assets Reports > select an option
Report Options
Following are brief descriptions of the options on the Fixed Assets Reports menu:
Asset Summary by Major Class
Shows the total assets' net of depreciation for each major class for the current fiscal year or the prior fiscal year.
Changes in General Fixed Assets
Generates a CAFR-standard report grouping assets by function and activity, including any changes that were made to the asset during the year. You can print a report for either the current fiscal year or for the prior fiscal year.
Depreciation Audit List
Produces the Depreciation History report, an audit trail of asset depreciation.
Depreciation Expense
Enables you to generate two depreciation expense reports:
Depreciation Expense by Function
Lists the total depreciation expense by function for the current fiscal year or prior fiscal year. This report is used in conjunction with the Note 1 report to create the disclosure Note 1 for Management Discussion and Analysis.
Depreciation Expense Post Recon
Reconciles the posted and unposted depreciation expense for the current or prior fiscal year by function. This information is needed to prepare the Statement of Activities.
Depreciation Listings
Produces detail and summary reports for the following options:
Projected Depreciation
Projects depreciation up to 12 months from the most recent month and year completed.
Historical Depreciation
Shows the past depreciation of selected assets. You can include or exclude assets that are either fully depreciated or retired.
Detail Listing of Fixed Assets
Provides a listing of fixed assets and includes all information entered when adding, changing, or improving assets.
Fixed Assets by Fund Source
Generates a CAFR-standard report comparing funding source contributions to each asset for the current fiscal year with contributions for the prior fiscal year.
Fixed Assets by Location
Groups assets by location and lists the description, category, status, date acquired, units, initial cost, and current value for each asset.
GASB Edit List
Shows the values in the GASB/CAFR table.
Note 1 Capital Assets Activity
Lists the beginning balance, increases, decreases, and ending balance for assets by major class. It reports accumulated depreciation separately from the asset value and includes increases and decreases in accumulated depreciation.
Physical Inventory Worksheet
Generates a report listing assets broken down by location. The report shows the ID, description, department, and status of each asset including a space indicating whether the asset has been accounted for in the inventory process.
Schedule by Function & Activity
Generates a CAFR-standard report that groups fixed assets by function and activity. You can produce a report for either the current or prior fiscal year.
Summary Listing of Fixed Assets
Gives a summary of information for selected fixed assets. For each asset, the report shows the asset ID, description, category, status, date acquired, user-defined fields, condition, department, location, and total cost.
Transfer Register Listing
Lists location changes made to assets, either through the update procedure or the Inventory Editing and Posting option. The report is sorted by old location, new location, and asset ID.