GASB Edit List
Menu Path: Fixed Assets > Reports > Fixed Assets Reports > GASB Edit List
Use this option to generate the GASB (Government Accounting Standards Board) Summary Table report which lets you print information from Fixed Assets' GASB table. This information serves as the basis for CAFR reporting.
The combination of Fiscal Year, Fund Type, Function, Activity, and Major Class associated with an asset or improvement record form the GASB table records. The GASB Summary Table report shows the following amounts for the table records you select:
- Fiscal year beginning and ending balances for capital assets.
- Beginning and ending balances for accumulated depreciation.
- Prior year adjustments to capital assets and accumulated depreciation.
- Fiscal year additions and deletions to capital assets and accumulated depreciation.
Generate the GASB Summary Table Report
Choose the GASB Edit Listing page.
Enter criteria identifying the records to include, then click OK. To run an advanced search, select Advanced.
Select up to three fields to use for sorting the report.
Click OK.
Specify how to generate the report, then click OK. The report's default file name is gasbhis1.rpt.