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General Ledger Audit Trail

Use this option to audit General Ledger entries. The General Ledger Audit Trail report lists budget units, accounts, transaction codes, vendor/payer codes, budgeted allocations, transaction amounts, descriptions, balances, and totals.

In addition, the option can generate a separate report of the notes associated with the ledger's activities. For the standard procedure for generating the report, refer to Audit Trail Report Options.

The default file name of the General Ledger Audit Trail report is genaudit.rpt, while the default file name of the Transaction Notes report is gennotes.rpt.

Menu Path:  Fund Accounting > Reports > Audit Trails > General Ledger Audit Trail


The General Ledger Audit Trail page includes the following checkboxes:

Subtotal by Period

Select this box to include subtotals for each period included in your report.

 Include NotesSelect this box to generate a separate report showing the notes associated with the activities you selected. An asterisk is used in the General Ledger Audit Trail report to indicate that an activity has notes.
Include Accounts With No ActivitySelect this box to include accounts that had no activity in the periods included.
Display Header and Detail for JESelect this box to include journal entry information on the accounts listed.

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