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Generate Asset Comparison Reports

Menu Path:  Fixed Assets > Entry & Processing > Fixed Assets > Inventory Editing and Posting

The Asset Comparison report enables you to review the changes stored in a batch asset file. You should run this report before posting a batch to verify that the changes you made are correct.

The report shows the current data for each record and compares it with the record's original data. The system sorts the records first by their Control Numbers, then by their Asset ID/Improvement Numbers. The report's data also includes the location, department, category, and status of each record.

Generate the Asset Comparison Report

  1. Choose the Inventory Editing and Posting page.
  2. In the Assets section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, then click Find. To run an advanced search, select Advanced.
  3. Click Print.
  4. Specify how to generate the report, then click OK. The report's default file name is comasset.rpt.
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