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Miscellaneous Billing - Information Management

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You can find financial details regarding your receivables and run customer, invoice, or financial reports at any time. You can also purge history or journal records from the database. The following sections briefly summarize these abilities.

Financial Details

Menu Path:  From Billing & Receipts, select Miscellaneous Billing, and then select Financial Details.

You can use the options on the Financial Details menu to find summary information for billings or services or look up specific journal information. All information shown is as of the most recent account aging date.

Financial Details Options

Account Audit Trail

Includes comments, batch numbers, posting dates, and accounting information for the date range and organization/account you specify.

Accounts Receivable by Service

Displays the total accounts receivable amount due and separates it into current and delinquent amounts; and billed tax, penalty, and interest amounts. You can specify the service information you want to view.

Accounts Receivable Summary

Displays the total accounts receivable amount due and breaks it down into current and delinquent amounts; and billed tax, penalty, and interest amounts. It also summarizes write-off and fiscal information.


Provides information on billing, payment, or write-off adjustments as defined by your selection criteria.

Adjustments Journal

Displays entries from the adjustments journal as defined by your selection criteria.

Applied Credit Journal

Displays entries from the applied credit journal as defined by your selection criteria.

Billing Journal

Displays entries from the billing journal as defined by your selection criteria.

Cash Receipts Journal

Displays entries from the cash receipts journal as defined by your selection criteria.

Refund Journal

Display entries from the refund journal as defined by your selection criteria.

Applied Credits

Displays applied credit records as defined by your selection criteria.

Cash Receipts Information

Lists receipts and includes customer numbers and general payment information.


Displays refund records as defined by your selection criteria.

Transaction Detail

Lists financial transactions as defined by your selection criteria. Information includes the date, journal, customer, service, and transaction amount.

Miscellaneous Billing Reports

Menu Path:  From Billing & Receipts, select Reports, and then select Billing Financial.

Report pages in Miscellaneous Billing can be accessed two ways:

  1. Using the Reports Menu is most effective for printing a single report. Should you need to print several reports in a relatively short time, it is more effective to use the Report Launcher.
  2. Use the Report Launcher under Links on the page's action bar. This displays the Miscellaneous Billing Reports page. From there, you must browse through the menu options to select the desired report page to display.

Once you access the appropriate report window, enter selection criteria to define the content of your report.

Billing Financial Reports

In addition to the customer and invoice reports, Miscellaneous Billing offers financial reports. For details, refer to the following:


Account Audit Trail

Includes comments, batch numbers, posting dates, and accounting information for each account listed. The report's default name is mracatrp.rpt.

Adjustment Journal

Includes any adjustment activity that has taken place. The report's default name is mrbadjjrp.rpt.

Applied Credit

Contains accounting information for applied credits. The report's default name is mrapcrrp.rpt.

Billing Adjustments

Provides a summary listing of billing adjustments. The report's default name is mradjbrp.rpt.

Billing Journal

Includes the billing reference number and comment, the journal date, and accounting information. You should print this report after you print invoices so it can be used as an audit trail of what billings were posted. The report's default name is mrbljrrp.rpt.

Cash Receipts Journal

Includes the cash receipts reference number and comment, the journal date, and accounting information. The report's default name is mrcrcpjr.rpt.

Payment Adjustments

Provides a summary listing of payment adjustments The report's default name is mradjprp.rpt.

Refund Applied

Includes the accounting information for refunds applied by the system. The report's default name is mrptrfrp.rpt.

Refund Journal

Includes the refund control number and the Fund Accounting control number, comments, the journal date, and accounting information. The report's default name is mrrfnrrp.rpt.

Sales Tax

Includes the sales tax billed for each sales tax code you use. The report's default name is saletxrp.rpt.

Unapplied Credit

Includes accounting information for unapplied credits. The report's default name is mrrunap1.rpt.

Write Off Adjustment

Includes accounting information for write-offs. The report's default name is mradjwrp.rpt.

Customer Reports

The following customer reports provide a variety of information about the customers in your database:

Customer AgingLists the total balance due, broken down by aging categories, such as Over 30, Over 60, or Over 90. The report's default name is mraging.rpt.
Customer MasterLists customer names, contact names and phone numbers, billing address, payment terms, amount due or unapplied credit, aging dates, and a summary of the payment history. The report's default name is mrcstrpt.rpt.
Customer NotesLists customer notes. The report's default name is notes.rpt.
Customer Phone ListLists customers and their phone/fax numbers. The report's default name is mrphlist.rpt.
Customer ServiceSorts customer records by service. Information includes the customer name, contact names and phone numbers, billing address, payment terms, amount due or unapplied credit, aging dates, and a summary of the payment history. The report's default name is mrcssrrp.rpt.
Customer Transaction HistoryIncludes the customer number, name, and address; transaction date; journal and reference; service and description; transaction amount; and balance. The report's default name is mrcutrrp.rpt.

Invoice Reports

Miscellaneous Billing also generates the following invoice reports:

Invoice Detail

Provides information about each invoice, including invoice date, due date, date posted, date printed, total charges, tax, and total invoice amount due. The report's default name is mrptdjrp.rpt.

Invoice History

Provides a listing of your invoices that includes payment histories. The report's default name is mrinvhst.rpt.

Invoice Short Listing

Provides a summary listing of your invoices. The report's default name is mrinvlst.rpt.

Generate a Report from the Report Launcher

  1. Select the desired menu path in Miscellaneous Billing, then click Links on the action bar. Choose Report Launcher to display the Applied Credits page.
  2. On the Miscellaneous Billing Reports page, select the desired report option, then click OK.
  3. On the report page, complete the criteria as needed, then click OK.
  4. Specify how you want to generate the report, then click OK.
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