Note 1 Capital Assets Activity
Menu Path: Fixed Assets > Reports > Fixed Assets Reports > Note 1 Capital Assets Activity
Use this option to generate the Note 1 - Capital Assets Activity report. The report shows the following information for capital assets, broken down by governmental and business-type activities, then by major classes within each of these fund types:
- Beginning and ending balances of assets, along with increase and decrease amounts.
- Net values for depreciated and non-depreciated assets.
- Accumulated depreciation, along with increase and decrease amounts.
In addition, a totals page provides the asset information required for the Statement of Net Assets. The Statement of Net Assets treats construction in progress and land as non-depreciable, while all other major classes are considered depreciable.
Generate the Note 1 - Capital Assets Activity Report
Choose the Note 1 Capital Assets Activity page.
Select the Fiscal Year you want to use as the basis for the report.
Select the Rounding Factor the system should apply to the report's dollar amounts. The system expresses amounts in terms of the decimal place you select and rounds the totals to the decimal place immediately lower than the one you select:
- N - No Rounding - Amounts are not rounded in the report. The system shows the exact totals in terms of dollars and cents.
- T - Thousands - Totals are expressed in terms of thousands of dollars. They are rounded to the nearest hundred. For example, $1,364,793 rounds to 1364.8.
- M - Millions - Totals are expressed in terms of millions of dollars. They are rounded to the nearest hundred thousand. For example, $1,364,793 rounds to 1.4.
Click OK.
Specify how to generate the report, then click OK. The report's default file name is note1a.rpt.
This report does not have the export to Excel capability.