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Payer List

Use this option to maintain records for tracking the source of cash receipts and receivables. The codes you create are entered in the Payer Number fields of Fund Accounting's Post Receipts and Post Receivables pages.

A Payer record includes the following information:

Payer Code


Receivable Balance

Payer Name

Telephone Number

Year-to-Date Payments

Search Name

Date Last Active

Menu Path:  Fund Accounting > Reference Tables > Reference Tables > Payer List


For customers that use third-party, the Payer List will be used to validate the third-party vendor numbers for accurate inclusion in batch receipts input files.

Adding a Payer List record

  1. Select Fund Accounting > Reference Tables > Reference Tables > Payer List to display the Payer List page.

  2. Click Add New.

  3. Complete the fields in the Payer Information section.

  4. Click OK to save the record.

Changing a Payer List record

  1. Select Fund Accounting > Reference Tables > Reference Tables > Payer List to display the Payer List page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria to identify the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.

  3. In the List section, select the desired record.

  4. Click OK.

  5. In the Payer Information section, change the fields as needed.

  6. Click OK to save the record.

Deleting a Payer List record

  1. Select Fund Accounting > Reference Tables > Reference Tables > Payer List to display the Payer List page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria to identify the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.

  3. In the List section, select the record to delete.

  4. Click Delete.

  5. Click Yes.

Generating the Payer List report

  1. Select Fund Accounting > Reference Tables > Reference Tables > Payer List to display the Payer List page.
  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria to identify the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
  3. Click Print.
  4. In the Payer List Sort Order page, select:
    Payer Code Order - to sort records by payer codes.
    Payer Name Order - to sort records by payer names.
  5. Click OK.
  6. In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The default file name of the report is payer.rpt if sorted by code or payera.rpt if sorted by name.




Payer Code

Code identifying the payer. To maintain numerical order in reports and displays, ensure that all codes are the same length. For example, to use three-digit codes, add zeroes to the front of codes that are less than 100, as in 001 and 045. Character/8

Payer Name

Name of the payer as it needs to appear on mailing labels and forms. Character/35

Search Name

Payer’s name as it must appear in an alphabetical listing. For example, if the payer name is WM SMITH & SONS, the search name will be SMITH WM & SONS. Character/35

The system uses this name to organize payers in the Payer List report if you choose the Payer Name Order sort option.

Address Lines 1-3

Three lines for the payer’s address, the first for the street number and name, the second for additional address information, and the third for the city and state. Character/35, each line

Zip Code

Payer’s zip code. If you are using a nine-digit zip code, include the dash. For example, 12345-9876. Character/10

Phone Number

Area code and telephone number of the contact person or department. The system provides the dashes.

The remaining fields are display only:

Date Last Active

Date of the last payment.

Receivable Balance

Amount owed by the payer.

YTD Payments

Total amount paid during the current fiscal year.

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