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Penalty Codes

Menu Path: Billing & Receipts, then Reference Tables, then Miscellaneous Billing, then Penalty Codes

Penalty code records define how to calculate penalties for late payments and set the minimum penalty amount, least amount to penalize, and account charging information.

If your organization does not charge penalties, you can set up an NA code:

  • Penalty Code = NA

  • Amount = 0

  • Percent = 0

Since the Amount and Percent fields are set to zero, it does not require accounting information.

A penalty can be an amount, percentage of the balance due, or combination of the two. Penalties are one-time charges on amounts that are overdue but not yet delinquent.

Add Penalty Codes

  1. Choose the Penalty Codes page.

  2. Click Add New.

  3. Complete the fields. For details, refer to the Fields section below.

  4. Click OK.

Update Penalty Codes

  1. Choose the Penalty Codes page.

  2. Enter criteria identifying the records to list, then click Find. To run an advanced search, click Advanced.

  3. Select the desired record, then click OK.

  4. Update the fields as needed. For details, refer to the Fields section below.

  5. Click OK.

Generate Penalty Code Reports

  1. Choose the Penalty Codes page.

  2. Click Print.

  3. Specify how you want to generate the report, then click OK. The report's default file name is mrpenalty.rpt.

Delete Penalty Codes

  1. Choose the Penalty Codes page.

  2. Enter criteria identifying the records to list, then click Find. To run an advanced search, click Advanced.

  3. Select the desired record, then click Delete.

  4. Click Yes.




Penalty Code

Unique code identifying the penalty.

Penalty Type


  • Percent

  • Amount

  • Combination

Penalty Amount

Dollar amount of the penalty.

Penalty Percent

Percent of cost to be charged as penalty.

Penalty Minimum

Minimum amount to be charged as penalty.

Penalty Least

Least amount needed to allow penalty.

Penalty Account

Account that the penalty will be charged to.

Penalty Cash

Cash account that the penalty will be charged to.

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