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Post Encumbrances - Batch Entry Page

Use this page to search for, view, and update encumbrances in a selected batch file. You can also add encumbrance records to the batch file. The page consists of a search section, where you enter criteria for the records you want to retrieve, and a list section, which displays your search results and allows you to select and display a specific encumbrance record.


If an encumbrance line item has multiple accounting distribution rows, each row displays as a separate record in the Batch Entry page's list section. Keep this in mind when updating and deleting records.

Menu Path:  Fund Accounting > Entry & Processing > Encumbrances > Batch Encumbrances > select a batch > click OK.

Following are procedures for updating and deleting batch encumbrance records. For the procedures for adding batch files and adding encumbrances to existing files, refer to Add Batch Encumbrance Page.

Updating an existing encumbrance record

  1. Select Fund Accounting > Entry & Processing > Encumbrances > Batch Encumbrances to display the Batch Encumbrances page.

  2. Select a batch, and then click OK to display the Post Encumbrances - Batch Entry page.

  3. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
    Your search results display in the List section. If an encumbrance line item has multiple accounting distribution rows, the system displays each row as a separate record.

  4. Select the encumbrance line item you want to update, and then click OK to display the Post Encumbrances - Batch Change page.
    For descriptions of the fields in this page, refer to Post Encumbrances - Batch Change Page.

  5. In the Encumbrance Data section, update the Hold field as needed:

    • Select this field if the encumbrance is not ready for posting to Fund Accounting.

    • Clear this field to remove the posting hold for the encumbrance. A record can be posted to Fund Accounting if its Hold field is not selected.

  6. Update the fields in the Encumbrance Data section as needed.

  7. In the Charge Information section, update the accounting distribution for the encumbrance as needed.

  8. Click OK to save the changed batch encumbrance record.

    • If the Continuous checkbox is selected, the system refreshes the Post Encumbrances - Batch Change page with data for the next record listed in the Batch Entry page.

    • If the Continuous checkbox is blank, you return to the Post Encumbrances - Batch Entry page.

Deleting a record from the batch

  1. Select Fund Accounting > Entry & Processing > Encumbrances > Batch Encumbrances to display the Batch Encumbrances page.
  2. Select a batch, and then click OK to display the Post Encumbrances - Batch Entry page.
  3. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
    Your search results display in the List section. If an encumbrance line item has multiple accounting distribution rows, the system displays each row as a separate record.
  4. Select the encumbrance line item you want to delete.
  5. To view the line item before deleting it, click OK to display the Post Encumbrances - Batch Change page, and then click Back.
  6. Click Delete.
  7. In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes.
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