Post Ledgers
Use this option to post approved budgets from Budget Preparation to your Expenditure, Revenue, and Project Ledgers in the new year.
Menu Path: Fund Accounting > Periodic Routines > Year-End > Year End > click Post Ledgers
The following must be completed before running the Post Ledgers option:
- Back up your data using the Back Up Fund Accounting to Disk option.
- Ensure that all other users are logged out of the system.
- Be sure to run the Update Ledgers option first, otherwise you cannot access the Post Ledgers option.
- Complete your expenditure, revenue, and project budgets.
- Run the Create New Year Ledgers option again for expenditures, revenues, and projects, before running the Post Ledgers option. This updates your ledgers with anything new that may have been added to Budget Preparation.
- Select the Budget Preparation Profile to verify that you are posting the correct fiscal year budget.
- Verify that the Profile's transaction date is within the new year.
Posting budgets to your new year ledgers
You can only run this option one time per ledger per budget year.
- Select Fund Accounting > Periodic Routines > Year-End > Year End to display the Fiscal Year End Processing center.
- Click Post Ledgers.
- In the Fiscal Year End Processing - Post Ledgers page, select the checkboxes for the desired ledgers.
- Click OK.
- In the Post New Year Ledgers dialog, click Yes.
- In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes if you have backed up your database, and then proceed to Step 7.
Click No if you have not backed up your database. This returns you to the Fiscal Year End Processing center. Run the Back Up Fund Accounting to Disk option, and then repeat the previous steps. - A Continue? dialog displays for the ledger indicated.
Click Yes to post to the ledger. A processing window displays showing the system's progress. - Click OK.
- If you selected additional checkboxes, repeat Steps 6-8. Otherwise, you return to the Fiscal Year End Processing center.