Print Invoices and Statements
You have several options when printing invoices. You can print a single invoice for a customer, or you can print a group of invoices for multiple customers. You can also print statements for customers.
You should age accounts and apply penalties and interest to your accounts before you print your statements.
The following options are available:
Age Accounts - Account aging categorizes invoices into groups defined in the profile, such as 30, 60, 90, and 120 days overdue. Always age accounts before calculating penalties and interest and printing statements.
Apply Penalty/Interest - You can apply penalties and interest for any items on an invoice that have been designated in the Service or Item table to accumulate penalty and interest charges. Always age accounts before calculating penalties and interest and printing statements.
Print Invoices - You can print invoices aft4er they are posted online to the customer accounts. If you have invoice messages set up, those messages will be printed on the invoices.
Print Statements - A customer statement presents either the open items or the balance forward, as specified in the customer record. Additionally, the dunning messages that appear on a customer statement are defined in the customer record. Before you print statements, you should age accounts and process penalties and interest. For more details, refer to the Financial Transactions topics.
Age Accounts
From the Billing & Receipts menu, select Miscellaneous Billing. From the Financial Transactions menu, select Account Aging.
In the Customer Cycle field, enter the billing cycle to be aged. Leave it blank to age all billing cycles.
In the Aging Date field, specify the date for aging the accounts.
Click OK.
Apply Penalty and Interest
From the Billing & Receipts menu, select Miscellaneous Billing. From the Financial Transactions menu, select Apply Penalty/Interest.
Enter the service code and customer cycle to define which you want to apply penalties. If you leave the fields blank, penalties and interest apply to all past due accounts.
Enter the processing date for when to calculate penalty and interest. Select the appropriate fields to apply penalties and interest.
Click OK.
Generate Invoices
From the Billing & Receipts menu, select Miscellaneous Billing. From the Invoices menu, select Online Invoices.
Enter criteria identifying the records, then click Search. To run an advanced search, click Advanced Search.
From the action bar, select one of the following:
Print All Invoices
Print Current Invoice
If applicable, select the Invoice Message.
Select or clear Include Customer Message and Print Duplicate, as desired.
Select an option to print or email invoices:
P - Print
E - Email
B - Both
If you use Forms Manager, select the desired form. Options depend on use of Forms Manager and if Forms Manager Defaults are assigned.
Click OK.
Specify how you want to generate the report, then click OK. The default file name is invoices.rpt.
Generate Statements
From the Billing & Receipts menu, select Miscellaneous Billing. From the Customers menu, select Customer Information.
Enter criteria identifying the records, then click Search. To run an advanced search, click Advanced Search.
From the action bar, select Print Statement.
Choose one of the following:
Selected Customer Only
All Displayed Customers
Select Print Dunning Messages if you want to include the dunning messages.
Change the Statement Date if needed. Otherwise, leave the default system date.
Select an option to print or email statements:
P - Print
E - Email
B - Both
If you use Forms Manager, select the desired form. Options depend on use of Forms Manager and if Forms Manager Defaults are assigned.
Click OK.
Specify how you want to generate the report, then click OK. The default file name is statements.rpt.