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Purge Payment History

Use this option to purge payment history records created on or before a specified date. Payment history less than six months old cannot be deleted.

The Purge Payment History option also generates the Payment History Marked for Deletion report. You can run this report separately to see what records will be purged. The report includes invoice, check, and transaction dates and numbers for each transaction, as well as the transaction's description and amount.

Run this option before using the Delete Prior Year Transactions option.

Menu Path: Fund Accounting > Periodic Routines > Periodic Processing > Purge Payment History

Generating the Payment History Marked for Deletion Report

  1. Select Fund Accounting > Periodic Routines > Periodic Processing > Purge Payment History to display the Purge Payment History page.
  2. In the Purge Date field, enter a date to identify the payment records. All transactions recorded on or before this date will be included.
  3. In the Vendor Number field, enter vendor ID numbers separated by the pipe symbol, for example, 15240|22710|28590.
    Leave the field blank to include all records that match your date criteria.
  4. Select the Only Generate Report radio button.
  5. Click OK.
  6. In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The default file name of the report is oldvenhs.rpt.
  7. Review the report to make sure you want these records deleted.

Purging Payment Records

  1. Run the Payment History Marked for Deletion report, as outlined in the previous procedure.
  2. Select Fund Accounting > Periodic Routines > Periodic Processing > Purge Payment History to display the Purge Payment History page.
  3. In the Purge Date field, enter a date to identify the payment records you want to delete. All transactions made on or before this date will be deleted.
  4. In the Vendor Number field, enter vendor ID numbers separated by the pipe symbol, for example, 15240|22710|28590.
    Leave the field blank to include all records that match your date criteria.
  5. Select the Purge Old History radio button.
  6. Click OK.
  7. In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes.
  8. In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The default file name of the report is oldvenhs.rpt.
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