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Reconcile Checks from File

Use this option to clear vendor checks using a system process that reconciles Transaction Ledger records against the data file provided by your bank. This option uses the accounts payable bank file format, set up in the Payroll reference tables, which identifies the bank you use for accounts payable checks and tells the system where to look for information in the bank's data file, such as check numbers, amounts, and cleared dates.

During processing, the system compares check numbers from Fund Accounting's Transaction Ledger against those in the bank file. If a check number matches, the check's transaction record is marked as cleared. Differences in amounts are noted in the A/P Check Reconciliation report. The report's default file name is reconcile.rpt.

If the Print Checks by Bank Account option is checked in the Fund Accounting profile and the user is marking checks as cleared based on a file from the bank, bank reconciliation will find the check by using the bank account associated with the transaction.

For information on bank file formats and how they affect check reconciliation, refer to Bank Transmission File Format Table.

Menu Path: Fund Accounting > Entry & Processing > Vendor Checks > Reconcile Checks from File

Action Bar Item

The Reconcile Checks page's Action Bar displays the following item:

Maintain Information

Displays the Check Reconciliation File Format page, which allows you to maintain existing file formats or add a new one. For details, refer to Check Reconciliation File Format Table.




Bank Format

Code referencing the Bank File Format record identifying the bank that handles your accounts payable checks. The Bank File Format record contains the formatting requirements the system uses to read the bank's data file and reconcile against your check records.

Disbursement Fund

Cash disbursement fund associated with the checks you are clearing. This field will not appear if the Print Checks by Bank Account option is selected in the Fund Accounting profile.

Data File Name

Name and server location of the bank data file. The default name is recon.dat, which must be changed if the name of the bank's file is different. If the file is not stored in the default location and you are unsure of the correct directory path, contact your Fund Accounting system administrator.

Exceptions Only

Checkbox indicating whether you want to access all checks or only those identified as exceptions. Select the box to access exceptions. Otherwise, leave the field blank.

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