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Recurrent Invoice Templates

Menu Path: From Billing & Receipts, select Miscellaneous Billing, select Invoices, and then select Recurrent Templates.

You can use recurrent templates to create invoices for services that recur over a period of time. For example, this process is convenient for COBRA billing, which typically recurs for 18 months after an employee terminates employment with your organization. The customer, service, and invoicing information is stored so it can be retrieved and processed on a regular basis as needed.

A recurrent template dictates how many invoices will be sent to a customer, and during what time frame they should be sent. When you generate a batch of recurrent invoices, the batch includes all customers with an active status who are within their specified start and end billing dates and have not reached the total number of invoices specified or have not been billed since the day of the month specified in the template.

The following items display on the Action Bar in the Actions menu:

  • Recurrent Invoice Report
  • Generate Batch

Add Recurrent Invoice Templates

  1. Click Add New.
  2. In the Add Recurrent Invoice page, complete the fields in the Invoice Information, Line Item Details, and Line Item Distribution tabs as needed. For details, refer to the Recurrent Invoices section.
  3. Click OK.

Generate Recurrent Invoice Reports

  1. Enter criteria identifying the records, then click Find. To run an advanced search, click Advanced.
  2. Click Actions on the action bar, then choose Recurrent Invoice Report.
  3. Specify how you want to generate the report, then click OK. The report's default file name is mrrivrp.rpt.

Generate Recurrent Invoice Listing Reports

  1. Enter criteria identifying the records, then click Find. To run an advanced search, click Advanced.
  2. Click Print.
  3. Specify how you want to generate the report, then click OK. The report's default file name is rinvlist.rpt.

Generate Recurrent Invoice Batch

  1. Enter criteria identifying the records, then click Find. To run an advanced search, click Advanced.
  2. Click Actions on the action bar, then choose Generate Batch.
  3. Enter the control number identifying the batch, then click OK. For an invoice to be included, it must have the following:
    • Active status in the specified start and end dates.
    • A total number of invoices that have not been exceeded as specified.
    • A status of not billed since the template's specified day of the month.

Change Recurrent Invoice Templates

  1. Enter criteria identifying the records to list, then click Find. To run an advanced search, click Advanced.
  2. Select the desire record, then click OK.
  3. Change the fields in the Invoice Information, Line Item Details, and Line Item Distribution tabs as needed.
  4. Click OK.
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