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Releasing and Posting Batch Budget Transfers

Use the Release/Post item in the Batch Budget Transfer page to release and post transfer records for a selected batch file.

If you use approvals, this item routes the selected file to the approval process. After a record is approved in the Approve/Deny Budget Transfers option, the system posts it automatically. For information on approvals, refer to the Approve/Deny Budget Transfers.

Menu Path:  Fund Accounting > Entry & Processing > Budget Ledgers > Batch Budget Transfer

Releasing and Posting a Batch File

  1. Select Fund Accounting > Entry & Processing > Budget Ledgers > Batch Budget Transfer to display the Batch Budget Transfer page.
  2. In the upper list section, select the file you want to process, and then click Print Multiple Batches or Print to generate a report on the file, as discussed in the section on Generating Batch Budget Transfer Reports.
    If needed, update the file, following the procedures to add, change, and delete transfer records.
  3. In the upper list section, select the file again, and then click Release/Post.
  4. In the Release/Post page, select one of the following radio buttons:

    Release Only

    Releases a batch file by changing its Status from Hold to Open.

    Post Only

    Posts a batch file that was previously released or routes it for approval.

    Release and Post

    Releases a batch file that has not been released and either posts its transfer records to Fund Accounting or routes it for approval.

  5. Click OK.
  6. The next step depends on your selection in Step 4:
    • If you selected Release Only in Step 4, the Release Batch confirmation dialog displays.
      Click Yes to release the batch. A message displays indicating the batch has been released. Click OK to end the process.
    • If you selected Post Only or Release and Post in Step 4, the Release/Post Batch displays.
      Click Yes to display a Print page. Proceed to Step 7.
  7. In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The default file name of the report is posttrne.rpt.
    The Post Batch Budget Transfers Error Log shows errors encountered in posting the batch. If there are no errors, the report does not print.
    • If the batch file's records did not require approval, a confirmation displays with the message Transactions Posted Successfully. Click OK to end the process.
    • If the batch file's records require approval, the message Records routed for approval displays in the Batch Budget Transfers page. For details on approvals, refer to Approve/Deny Budget Transfers.
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