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Revenue Transactions Page

Use the Transactions page to search and display transactions associated with a revenue budget record. A revenue transaction can include a new budget record, budget adjustment, accounts receivable billing, payment record, or fund transfer from one budget unit-account to another.

The List section displays the following data on each transaction:

  • Transaction Date

  • Fiscal Period

  • Transaction Code

  • Reference Number

  • Description

  • Budgeted Amount

  • Receipt Amount

  • Receivable Amount

Select a transaction to display the Transaction Detail page, where you can review complete information on the transaction.

Menu Path

From the Fund Accounting menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Budget Ledgers menu, select Revenue Ledger. Perform a search, then select an account item from the List section and click Accept. The Transactions page appears.

Display Revenue Transactions for a Selected Account

  1. Open the Revenue Budgets page.

  2. In the Selection Criteria section, enter criteria to identify the records to list, and then click Search. To run an advanced search, click the Advanced Search button.

  3. Select a revenue record, and then click Accept to display the Transactions page.

  4. To list transactions associated with the record, enter criteria in the Search Criteria section, and then click Search.

  5. To display the Transaction Detail page, select a transaction, and then click Accept.

    • Review complete information on the transaction. Click Back to close the page.

    • Click View Attachments to attach documents to the transaction and review existing attachments.

    • Click Notes to view notes related to the transaction.

Export Revenue Budget Transactions for a Selected Account to Excel

PowerSchool ERP 23.10 and later

You can export the transaction list to Excel. The file includes the information displayed in the header and list sections of the Transactions page, including the Budget Unit and Account (when not using full account structure) or Account Number (when using full account structure).

  1. Open the Revenue Budgets page.

  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria to identify the records to list, and then click Search. To run an advanced search, click the Advanced Search button.

  3. Select the account, and then click Accept. The Transactions page appears.

  4. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria to identify the records to list, and then click Search.

  5. Click Print. There is no Print dialog. an Excel report is generated. The default file name is RevenueList.xlsx.

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