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Single Billing Adjustment

Menu Path: From Billing & Receipts, select Miscellaneous Billing, select Invoices, then select Online Invoices.

Use the Online Invoices window to adjust the billed amount for a single invoice.

When posting a billing adjustment, the system creates a reference number prefixed by the letters BA (for Batch Adjustment). For example, BA00000001.

  1. Enter criteria identifying the records, then click Find. To run an advanced search, click Advanced.
  2. Select the desired record, then click Actions on the action bar. Choose Adjust Billing.
  3. Enter the Adjustment Date and any comments as needed.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Select desired items, then click OK. Enter the new amount in the Quantity and Unit Price fields.

    You can reverse the entire invoice by clicking Reverse, then clicking Yes in the Confirmation dialog.

  6. When finished, click Actions on the action bar. Choose Post Adjustment.
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