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System Recovery

The System Recovery options can be used to correct an out-of-balance condition if the error can be traced to a single transaction. For example, you can use one of these options if your power fails while a transaction is being processed and the Fund Accounting > Reports > System Maintenance > Check Ledger Balances option reveals that the related ledger is out of balance by the amount of the transaction.

As a safeguard, we recommend that you maintain a log for recording System Recovery usage. This log must include the date and option, reason for its use, and the name of the person who authorized running the option.

Menu Path: Fund Accounting > Periodic Routines > System Recovery > select an option

Menu Options

Following are descriptions of the System Recovery options, including the fields required for retrieving a record.

Budget Control Ledger

Use this option to change a specific Budget Control Ledger transaction record. To retrieve a record, you need to know its Year, *Budget Unit*, and Account.

Encumbrance Ledger

Use this option to change a specific Encumbrance Ledger transaction record. To retrieve a record, you need to know its *PO/Encumber* and Item numbers, fiscal year, budget unit, and account.

Expenditure Ledger

Use this option to change a specific Expenditure Ledger transaction record. To retrieve a record, you need to know its Year, *Budget Unit*, and Account.

General Ledger

Use this option to change a specific General Ledger transaction record. To retrieve a record, you need to know its *Fund* and Account.

Project Ledger

Use this option to change a specific Project Ledger transaction record. To retrieve a record, you need to know its Year, *Project*, and Project Account.

Receivable Ledger

Use this option to change a specific Encumbrance Ledger transaction record. To retrieve a record, you need to know its Receivable Number and Year.

Revenue Ledger

Use this option to change a specific Revenue Ledger transaction record. To retrieve a record, you need to know its Year, *Budget Unit*, and Account.

All users must be out of Fund Accounting and Purchasing when you run these options. Also, if you cannot trace an out-of-balance condition to a specific transaction or are unsure which recovery option to use, contact PowerSchool support for assistance.

Recovering Or Changing a Transaction Record

  1. Determine the type of transaction that caused the out-of-balance condition.
  2. Select Fund Accounting > Periodic Routines > System Recovery, and then choose the appropriate option.
  3. In the recovery page, enter selection criteria to identify the record you want to change.
    Use the fields indicated in the Menu Options section for the option you selected in Step 2. If needed, you may use additional fields in your query.
  4. Click OK to display the record.
  5. If the record that displays is not the record you want, click Back to return to the recovery page, and then repeat Steps 3-4.
  6. Change the desired fields.
  7. Click OK to save the record.
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