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Tax Codes

Menu Path: Choose Billing & Receipts, then choose Reference Tables, then choose Miscellaneous Billing. Select Tax Codes.

Tax code records contain the rates and accounting information for taxes that can be applied to a service, such as local or state sales taxes. The records also include information about the tax collection agency.

If certain services are not taxable or your organization does not charge taxes, create an NA record:

  • Tax Code = NA
  • Tax Description = NA
  • Tax Percent = 0
  • All other fields blank. An NA code does not require accounting information.

Add New Tax Codes

  1. Click Add New.
  2. Complete the fields in the Tax Code Details section. If your organization does not charge taxes, create the NA record.
  3. Click OK.

Updating Tax Codes

  1. Enter criteria identifying the records to list, then click Find. To run an advanced search, click Advanced.
  2. Select the desired record, then click OK.
  3. Update the fields as needed.
  4. Click OK.

Delete Tax Codes

  1. Enter criteria identifying the records to list, then click Find. To run an advanced search, click Advanced.
  2. Select the desired record, then click Delete.
  3. Click Yes.

Generate Tax Code Reports

  1. Click Print.
  2. Specify how you want to generate the report, then click OK. The report's default file name is mrtaxc.rpt.
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