User-Defined Check Status Translation Table
Depending on your bank's data requirements, you may need to set up records in the Human Resources User-Defined Codes table. This table allows you to create status codes to apply to the records you send to the bank for cashable checks, a process sometimes referred to as "positive pay."
The Bank Transmission File option allows you to select issued checks, voided checks, or both for inclusion in the file that you send to your bank. However, the Fund Accounting System's Transactions table does not store status descriptions for individual check records. This is not a problem if your bank requests for voided checks in a separate file from the rest of your checks.
The user-defined status codes become necessary if you send void check data mixed with issued checks. In this case, your bank relies on a status description for each check record to determine whether the check is Issued or Void.
If you establish User-Defined Codes records as described below, you can define file layouts to include the A/P Record Status and HRM Record Status fields. The system can then identify a check as Issued or Void in the bank file.
User-Defined Codes Table Setup
In the Human Resources System's User-Defined Codes table, set up check status codes for accounts payable and payroll checks. The system refers to these codes to translate codes from individual check records into status codes for the bank file. The actual codes are defined in the Code field described below.
Once the system references the appropriate user-defined code, it takes the associated Title field entry from the User-Defined Codes table record and places that data in your bank file according to the format from the appropriate Bank Transmission File Format record.
Consult with your bank regarding the information they require. This will specifically influence the Titles you associate with the Codes you set up in the following procedure.
Setting up the Translation Table
- Select Human Resources > Reference Tables > Personnel > User Defined Codes.
- Click Add New.
- In the page's User Defined Data section, leave the Continuous checkbox selected.
Use the Table Code, Code, and Title fields to enter a record for each type of check status:
Table Code
A/P Issued Checks
Usually defined by the bank. This data appears in your bank file.
A/P Void Checks
HR Issued Checks
HR Void Checks
- Click OK to save the record.
- Repeat Step 4 to enter the next record.
- Click Back when you finish the last record.
Titles in User-Defined Codes Table Records
When you set up the check status fields in the Human Resources User-Defined Codes table, you will make entries in the Table Code and Code fields exactly as described in Step 6 of the previous procedure. Your entry in the Title field for each record depends on two factors:
- Text your bank needs in the bank file when each status code is referenced.
- Special formatting that might be needed to ensure that the status description appears correctly in the bank file.
For the most part, you will enter the status designations provided by your bank for AP and payroll checks. Then, in the Bank Transmission File Format table, you will set up a record for each portion of the file layout where the check status needs to appear, setting up the appropriate field length, alignment, and fill-in characters.
If your bank requires the check status to display as a blank value in the bank file, complete the following steps:
- Select Fund Accounting > Reference Tables > Reference Tables > User Defined Codes.
- Click Add New.
- Add the Table Code and record Code values for the check status. Refer to Step 4 in the Setting up the transition table procedure for the specific values to enter for each check status.
- Your entry in the Title field depends on the number of blank spaces the bank needs in the bank file for the check status:
- Begin your entry with the blank spaces your bank requires. For example, if you need three blank spaces, start your entry with these three blank spaces.
- Immediately following the blank spaces, enter the word BLANK. This is needed because the Title field is required, so you cannot save the check status information until you enter at least one character in the field.
- Click OK to save the record.
- Select Fund Accounting > Reference Tables > Reference Tables > Bank Transmission File Format.
- In the Bank Transmission File Format page, click Add New. You are now going to add the file layout record defining where and how the check status appears in the bank file.
- Specifically, ensure that you define the record's Field Length to equal the number of blank spaces you set up in the corresponding Title for the User Defined Codes record.
- If the file layout uses a delimiter, enter the appropriate number in the Field Length field.
- If the file layout does not use a delimiter, enter the appropriate values in the Start Position and Stop Position fields.
- For complete information on setting up a file layout and the records comprising a file layout, refer to the previous section, Creating Bank Transmission File Formats.
- For complete field descriptions, refer to the next section, Bank Transmission File Format Page.
- Click OK to save the record.
Bank Transmission File Format Table Setup
Once you have the four check status records set up in the User-Defined Codes table, you are ready to incorporate A/P Record Status and HRM Record Status into your bank file layouts by creating the necessary records in the Bank Transmission File Format table. Your setup is based on the instructions your bank provides in terms of the following factors:
- Which parts of the bank file will display the check status.
- Where the check status appears in a particular portion of the bank file.
- How the check status is formatted.
For instance, suppose your bank provides you the following instructions for including A/P Record Status in the bank file: - A/P Record Status must appear in the detail portion of the bank file for each check record.
- The check status must be the second piece of information in the detail record, following the eight-character check number.
- The status description must take up exactly three characters in the detail record.
Based on these instructions, you will make the following entries in the Bank Transmission File Format record:
Layout Code | Enter the file layout code you have set up for accounts payable checks submitted to the bank. |
Record Type | Select 3 - Detail Record. |
File Position | Enter 2 since the check status must print as the second piece of detail data. |
Field Name | Select A/P Record Status. |
Start Position / Stop Position | Enter a Start Position of 9 and a Stop Position of 11. That way, the first three characters in the check status will appear in the bank file for each AP check. |