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Vendor Checks

Use this option to print vendor checks and process electronic funds transfer (EFT) transactions for payables in your database. You can process checks and EFT vouchers together, or you can run the option separately for each payment type. The system uses your criteria to determine which records to include in a vendor check run. It only includes a record if its Hold field is blank.

For non-EFT payments, the system uses the Single Check field in the payable records to determine how payables are combined for each vendor invoice. It then prints each vendor check with a total that meets the minimum check amount in the corresponding vendor record.

Checks and vouchers are grouped based on disbursement funds in a check run. After checks print for a fund, the system stops the process to ensure you can change check stock, realign checks, and enter the next fund's starting check number.

If the bank account reference table record has Vendor Checks designated as a document type for the bank used for the vendor payment, check numbers will be automatically populated.

Menu Path

From the Fund Accounting menu, select Entry & Processing. From the Vendor Checks menu, select Vendor Checks.

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