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Vendor Transactions

Use this option to view transaction records associated with a selected vendor.

The Vendor Transactions page displays information on purchase orders and invoices, including payments and balances. The page also provides access to various detail pages, depending on the type of transaction being viewed.

You can use the page's Print item to generate the Vendor Transactions Listing, which summarizes each of the transactions listed. The report's default file name is ven_list.rpt.


If you are using the Purchasing Card Interface module and enter your PCard Vendor in the Vendor field, the transaction records for the individual vendors will display. The listing will only include transactions if the check for the PCard vendor has been processed.

Menu Path:  Fund Accounting > Entry & Processing > Detailed Displays > Vendor Transactions

Action Bar Items

The Vendor Transactions page's Action Bar displays the following item:


Displays the Transaction Detail page, which shows details on a transaction. To display the page, select a transaction, and then click Details.

The Transaction Detail page displays the following item, but only for transactions that are tied to purchase orders generated in the Purchasing System.

More Info...

Displays the Purchase Order Information page, which lists complete information on the purchase order and its line items, including accounting distributions.

The More Info... item only applies to the following transaction types:

17 - Add Encumbrance
18 - Change Encumbrance
20 - Manual/Void Check
21 - Accounts Payable Check

Viewing a Vendor Transaction record for a specific vendor

  1. Select Fund Accounting > Entry & Processing > Detailed Displays > Vendor Transactions to display the Vendor Transactions page.
  2. In the Vendor field, enter the vendor's code, and then click OK.
  3. In the Selection criteria section, enter criteria to identify an individual record or group of records associated with the vendor.
  4. Click OK to display the vendor's records in the List section.
  5. To display the Transaction Detail page for a record, select the record, and then click Details.
  6. If available, click More Info... on the detail page's Action Bar to display the record's Purchase Order Information page.
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