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Employee Termination Workflow

As a school administrator, you can configure a workflow by adding approvers for employee termination requests. Approvers must sequentially approve the termination request. Once all the approvers have approved the termination request, the notification about employee termination tasks is sent to the desired approvers. The notifications can be sent to the same approvers or a different set of approvers.

Configure the Employee Termination Workflow

To configure a workflow for employee termination requests, the school administrator must perform the following activities:

Create a Workflow Group

Workflow Groups are a set of conditions that allow a group of employees to be assigned as approvers. These groups are different for each workflow. For example, to create a workflow group for employee terminations, the Workflow Area will be Employee Termination Request while creating the group. For more information, see Workflow Groups.

Create Workflow Roles

For each workflow group, you can create multiple workflow roles. The workflow roles contain employees who will approve a workflow either as Primary or Alternate approvers. For more information, see Workflow Roles.

Define Employee Termination Tasks

The employee termination tasks include items, such as return of company ID, laptop, monitor, keyboard, pass key, and so on. The tasks can be defined as part of the pre-defined Human Resources page 30311.

Assign Workflow Groups and Workflow Roles

Assign workflow groups and roles only for the levels required by your organization. For example, if you have one approval level, do not assign groups and roles for Level 2.

  1. From the navigation menu, choose System Administration and then Workflow. Click Workflow Setup.

  2. Click Sync Applications.

  3. Click Employee Termination.

  4. Click Level 1.

  5. Select the workflow group that you created for employee termination.

  6. Select the workflow role for the level 1 approver.

  7. Click Back to Workflow Application List and repeat steps 6 and 7 for other levels as needed. Do not repeat if your organization uses one approval.

  8. Click Back to Workflow Application List and click Task A.

  9. Select the required termination tasks from the Termination Task drop-down list.

  10. Select the workflow group that you created for employee termination.

  11. Select the workflow role for approval of tasks.

  12. Click Back to Workflow Application List and repeat steps 10 - 12 for other termination tasks.

After you have configured the employee termination workflow and tasks, an authorized user can create an employee termination request.

If your organization needs to modify the current number of approval levels:

  • During implementation, consult your Application Specialist.

  • Create a Support case for assistance.

Create an Employee Termination Task

To create an employee termination request, perform the following:

  1. From the navigation menu, choose e-Forms & Tools, and click Employee Termination under e-Forms

  2. Click Create new Request.

  3. Click Search.

  4. Select the Termination Code, Last Working Day, Last Pay Day, and Status.

  5. Add notes if required.

  6. Click Submit.

Approve an Employee Termination Request

To approve an employee termination request, do the following:

  1. On the Dashboard, click on the alert for Termination Requests for Approval.

  2. You can approve a request by using any of the following ways:

    1. Click the Ellipsis Icon that appears at the end of the employee record that want to approve and select Approve.

    2. Click the Employee Number or Employee Name to view termination details and click Approve.

The approvers must approve employee termination tasks in a sequence. Therefore, approver 2 cannot approve a termination request before approver 1.

Approve an Employee Termination Task

To approve an employee termination task, do the following:

  1. Log in with your credentials.

  2. On the Dashboard, click on the alert for Termination Tasks.

  3. Click the Employee Number to view the termination tasks.

  4. Under the Employee Termination Task, select a Completion Date and add notes, if required.

  5. Click Submit.

The approvers can parallelly approve termination tasks as the approval process for tasks is not sequential.

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