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1095-C Maintenance Option

Menu Path: Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Affordable Care Act > 1095-C Maintenance

This section outlines the procedure for creating 1095-C records. It details the steps to follow for each method of creating the 1095-C as well as information for uploading 1095-C records for individuals who are not employees but are required to receive a 1095-C, and uploading covered individuals if your organization is not using the Employee Benefits system.

When you select this option, the 1095-C Employee File Update page will display. From this page, you can view employee 1095-C records. Also from this page, you can access options to setup employer records, create employee 1095-C records, upload a file, and purge records.

Steps to Take on this Page

  1. Create Employer record using the Setup Employer Record.

  2. Create 1095-C work files using the Create Employee 1095-C option.

  3. Upload a file with 1095-C information for employees or covered individuals, if your organization has 1095-C information stored elsewhere, or from an outside source.

  4. Purge a 1095-C work file.

  5. Manually edit employee 1095-C records, including marking a 1095-C as corrected or voided.

  6. Lock an employee 1095-C record, to prevent the record from changing if you are regularly loading 1095-C information.

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