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1099-R Processing

Use the 1099-R Processing page to:

  • Enter employer information

  • Set print controls

  • Copy employees year-end records into a workfile

  • Edit the workfile data

  • Run reports

  • Print 1099-R forms and create electronic files for IRS reporting

  • Purge workfile records

1099-R Processing must be run after you copy your W2 employee data (following the last payroll of the year) and before using any Year End options to start the new calendar year.

Menu path

From the Human Resources menu, select Periodic Routines. From the Year End menu, select 1099-R Processing.

1099-R setup wizard

Use the wizard to walk through a guided process. You can also select the buttons on the page.

Setup Option


Setup 1099-R Parameters

Enter the tax year, employer data, and contact information. Set controls to generate electronic files and print 1099-R forms.

Create 1099-R Work File

Build your workfile of employee data and set additional parameters to print your 1099-R forms.

Use the action buttons in wizard pages to navigate between the pages used by setup options. These buttons include:


Returns you to the first page used by the previous option.


Displays either the next page for the current procedure or the first page for the next option.


Returns you to the 1099-R Processing page, where you can select the next option in the Wizard process or return to a previous option.

The system keeps track of the steps completed in the Setup Options section of the 1099-R Processing page by selecting the checkboxes next to the buttons. The fields are reminders that the options have already been used. You can re-run the options if needed, even if they are selected.

After you complete the setup options, you can select the remaining options in the 1099-Processing page individually.

All of the records used for 1099-R processing are stored in a workfile. This enables you to change records without affecting your permanent records.

1099-R processing options

After setting up your workfile, use the 1099-R Processing page options to prepare the file to generate 1099-R forms and submit data to the IRS.

1099-R Work File Maintenance

Add, change, and delete employee records in your 1099-R workfile.

Print 1099-R Edit List

Generate a report to review changes to employee 1099-R records and verify totals.

Print 1099-R Forms

Generate 1099-R forms for employees with 1099-R records in your workfile.

Create 1099-R Electronic File

Produce a file to transfer your 1099-R records to the IRS.

Audit Listing of 1099-R Changes

Generate a report of all 1099-R records that were changed since the records were loaded with the Create 1099-R Work File option.

Purge 1099-R Work File

Delete all 1099-R records in the workfile for the year selected. Use this option to clear files from previous years.

Purge 1099-R Audit File

Delete all records from the 1099-R Audit table.

Before you use this option, we recommend to run the Audit Listing of 1099-R Changes option, and save the audit report generated.

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