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Approval Groups

The Approval Groups table allows you to:

  • Search for approval groups by ID, name, workflow type, or task.

  • Add, update, or delete approval groups.

  • Define the approvers for the approval group.

  • Link approval groups to the employee groups.

  • Print the Approval Groups Table Report. The default file name for this report is appgrprpt.rpt.

For the procedures for searching for, adding, updating, deleting, and printing table records, refer to Standard Reference Table Procedures.

Menu Path:  System Administration > Workflow (Legacy) > Human Resources Workflow Tables > Approval Groups

Approval Groups and Workflow Types

Recruitment uses approval groups with the Workflow types: RMP- Postings, RMQ - Posting Requisitions, and NHA - Applicant Recommendation. Before a search is initiated on the Approval Groups page, the Rule Groups tab will be visible. This will change to either Employee Groups or Posting Groups depending on the workflow type of the approval group selected once you click Find.

In Recruitment, the tab Posting Groups will display for workflow types RMP - Postings and RMQ - Posting Requisitions and the Employee Groups will display for the workflow type NHA - Applicant Recommendation.


Following are descriptions of the fields in the Details, Approvers, Posting Groups, and Employee Groups tabs. All of the tabs have the Created By, on, and Modified By fields.



Created By

The user login of the person who created the approval group. Display-only.


Will display the date on which the approval group was created. Display-only.

Modified By

The user login of the person who last updated the approval group. Display-only.

Details Tab



Approval Group ID

System-generated identification number for the approval group. The field defaults to Auto during add and is given the next available number when the approval group is saved.

Approval Group Name

The title of the approval group.

Workflow Type

The type of workflow the approval group is used for.

Workflow Task

The task for the workflow type that the approval group is used for.

Approvers Tab




The approval level. Level 1 is the highest level of approval. When a workflow is initiated, the notification will be sent to the lowest level of approval first. Once the user approves the e-form or the posting, the notification is sent to the next level of approval. This final approval, level 1, ends the workflow when their approval action is completed. Display-only.

Employee Number

The employee number of the user who will be the approver for the level.

Last Name

The last name of the approver entered in the employee number field. Display-only.

First Name

The first name of the approver entered in the employee number field. Display-only.

Middle Name

The middle name of the approver entered in the employee number field. Display-only.

Posting Groups Tab



Posting Group ID

The posting group identification number associated with the approval group.

Posting Group Name

The title of the posting group. Display-only.


The description of the posting group. Display-only.

Employee Groups Tab



Employee Group ID

The employee group identification number associated with the employee group.

Employee Group Name

The title of the employee group. Display-only.


The description of the employee group. Display-only.

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