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Assign Rates to Batch Positions Page

Use this option to select employee rates from Human Resources, assign positions, and store the rates in the Batch Position table. While you can add new rates and modify those stored in the batch file, you cannot assign rates to positions that are already under Position Control.

After you add positions in the Batch Position Edit page and associate rates with positions in the Assign Rates to Batch Positions page, you can post your batch positions to the live Position table and post the assigned positions and rates to Human Resources.

To post a job class's rates, you must assign positions to all rates in the class. Otherwise, the system prevents you from posting the rates.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Position Control > Batch Position Control > search for and select a position > click Assign Rates on the Action Bar > in the Assigned Rates window, select Unassigned or Both

Action Bar Items

The Action Bar in the Assign Rates to Batch Positions page includes the following item:


Displays the Position Assignments page. This page enables you to assign one or more positions to an employee's rate, including their assigned FTE values. For more information on this page, refer to the second procedure in the following Procedures section.

Following are the steps for assigning pay rates to employees' batch positions. An additional procedure is included for using the Position Assignments window to apply multiple positions to a rate.

Assigning employee rates to batch positions

  1. Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Position Control > Batch Position Control to display the Batch Position Control page.
  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
  3. In the List section, select a job class/position, and then click Assign Rates in the Action Bar.
  4. In the Assign Rates window, click one of the following:


    Lists employees in a job class who do not have positions assigned.


    Lists all employees in a job class whether they do or do not have positions assigned.

  5. In the Assign Rates to Batch Positions page, complete the Primary, Position, and Start Date fields for each employee as needed.
    Except for Start Dates, the data shown is from the employees' pay rates. For descriptions of the fields, refer to the Fields section.
  6. Click OK to save your entries to the Batch Position table.

Assigning multiple positions to an employee pay rate:

  1. Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Position Control > Batch Position Control to display the Batch Position Control page.
  2. In the Search Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to list, and then click Find. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.
  3. In the List section, select a position, and then click Assign Rates on the Action Bar display the Assign Rates page.
  4. In the Assign Rates window, click one of the following:


    Lists employees in a job class who do not have positions assigned.


    Lists all employees in a job class whether they do or do not have positions assigned.

  5. In the Assign Rates to Batch Positions page, select an employee, and then click Multi-Position on the Action Bar to display the Position Assignments page:
  6. In the Position field, select a position from the drop-down list.
  7. In the FTE field, enter the position's full-time equivalency value.
  8. Repeat Steps 5-7 for each position you want to add. The total of the FTE column must equal the job class's default FTE value.
  9. Click OK to save your entries and return to the Assign Rates to Batch Positions page. Note that the page also saves when you press <Enter> in the FTE field.
    If you entered two or more positions in the Position Assignments page, the employee's Multi-Position field displays an asterisk.


The Assign Rates to Batch Positions page has two untitled sections: Header and List. Following are descriptions of the fields in these sections.

Header Section

The section's two fields display the codes identifying the batch record selected in the Batch Position Control page. You cannot change either field.




Code identifying a job class in Human Resources, as defined in the system's Job Class table. Display only.


Code identifying a position in the Batch Position table, in combination with the job class. Display only.

List Section

This section displays all employees with rates associated with the position's job class. Use the down arrow or scroll bar to scroll through the list. You can add to or change three fields for each employee: Primary, Position, and Start Date. The other fields are display only.




Employee's identification number, as assigned in Human Resources.


Employee's full name.


Checkbox indicating whether the position rate is a primary or secondary rate. If the box is selected, the rate is a primary rate. If not, the rate is a secondary rate.


Code identifying a position in Position Control's Batch Position table. At least one position must be assigned to each rate. Otherwise, no rates from the job class can be posted.

  • Multiple positions can be assigned to a rate using the Position Assignments page. For details on this page, refer to the Procedures section.
  • If two or more positions are assigned, this field will be blank, and an asterisk will display in the employee's Multi-Position field.

Start Date

Transaction date in use when the batch rate was created. The date defaults from the Human Resources Profile.

  • If needed, change the default to the date the rate should take effect.
  • Accepting the default allows the rate to take effect when you post the batch record.


Fulltime equivalency (FTE) value that defaults from the job class to the rate.


Status code from the employee's rate record. Since the Batch Position table cannot accept rates that are inactive or terminated, this field always displays the code A - Active.


Field indicating whether more than one position is assigned to the rate. If an asterisk appears in an employee rate's Multi-Position column, the rate has two or more positions assigned. To view the positions for a particular rate, display the Position Assignments page by positioning the cursor on the rate and clicking the Multi-Position item.

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