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Attendance Information Page

Menu Path:

  1. From Human Resources, select Entry & Processing, select Employee, and then select Employee Information. Search for and select an employee, then click OK to display the Employee Information Detail page. Click Actions on the action bar, and then choose Attendance.
  2. From Human Resources, select Entry & Processing, select Employee, and then select Attendance.

The Attendance Information page enables you to enter leave for an employee and change or delete unposted leave. The page also includes an item for posting the attendance information to your database.

Use of the page depends on the Human Resources Profile's Attendance checkbox:

  • If the field is selected, attendance can only be updated through timecard entries during pay run processing.
  • If the field is not selected, attendance also can be entered in the Attendance Information page. To update the leave banks affected, you must run the page's Post option.

In either case, you must use pay codes that contain the appropriate leave codes.

Page Section and Tabs

  • The List Section (untitled) displays existing attendance entries and enables you to select an entry to post, change, or delete.
  • The Leave section displays the employee's leave banks. This section is display-only.
  • The Employee Data tab enables you to create or change attendance data. You can enter a leave-related pay code, dates, hours, and a brief note.
  • The Substitute Data tab enables you to enter attendance data for a substitute who filled in for the regular employee. This tab only applies to school districts. Posting the attendance record generates a timecard for the substitute.

Action Bar Items



Posts a selected attendance record to a pay run. This item only displays if there are existing attendance records. It cannot be accessed when you are adding or changing a record.


Temporarily suspends date checking when you are adding or changing attendance records. This prevents the system from creating Leave Without Pay records while you are posting attendance. To reinstate date checking, click Disable/Enable again, or exit the Attendance Information page.

Duplicate Items

Displays the Duplicate Attendance Items page, which shows any attendance records that contain the same pay codes, dates, and hours.

Duplicate Substitute Items

Displays the Duplicate Items for Substitute page, which enables you to review substitute records that include duplicate dates.

Preview Post

Displays the Preview Posting Attendance Page which enables you to generate the Attendance Posting Preview report. This report gives you the same information as the Attendance Posting report without completing the post and updating the employee's record. For more information, refer to Posting Attendance.

Substitute Information

This option is only available in version 20.11 and above. It is also only available for customers who have SFE-PowerSchool ERP Integration enabled.

Displays the Substitute Information page, which shows all substitute records received from SmartFindExpress. You can only edit the vacancy records on this page.

Add an Attendance Record

  1. Click Add New.
  2. In the Employee Data tab, complete the Pay Code, Start Date, Stop Date, Hours/Days, and Remarks fields.
  3. If a substitute filled in for the employee, complete the fields in the Substitute Data tab so a timecard can be generated for the substitute.
  4. Click OK to save the attendance record.

Change an Attendance Record

  1. In the List section, select the record you want to change, then click OK.
  2. Change the desired fields.
  3. Click OK.

Delete an Unposted Attendance Record

  1. In the List section, select the record you want to delete.

    You can only delete an unposted record, as indicated in the Status field.

  2. Click Delete.
  3. Click Yes.

Post Attendance Records for One or More Employees

  1. Choose Post on the action bar to display the Post Attendance page. This page differs for municipalities and school districts.
  2. Use the following fields to identify the records you want to post:
    • Department - Select a department code from the drop-down list. You can also use the pipe symbol to enter multiple codes, for example, 100|200|250. Leave the field blank to identify all departments that apply to your other criteria.
    • Employee Number - Defaults the ID number of the employee accessed in change mode. To select more than one employee, use the pipe symbol, for example, 123456|234567|345678. To select all employees who have unposted attendance, clear the field, and leave it blank.
    • Pay Code - Select a pay code from the drop-down list or use the pipe symbol to separate multiple codes. You can also use the asterisk symbol; for example, 2* selects all codes beginning with this character. Leave the field blank to reference all attendance records regardless of their pay codes.
    • Start Date - Enter the first date in the range of dates for the records you want to post. If desired, you can leave the field blank.
    • Stop Date - Enter the last date in the range of dates for the records you want to post. If desired, you can leave the field blank.
  3. Click OK.
  4. For school districts only, in the Post Attendance For section, select one of the following:
    • Substitute Only
    • Employee Only
    • Both
  5. In the Posting/Report Information section, complete the following fields:

    Sort Order

    Define the Attendance Posting report's sort order:
    1 - Department/Name
    2 - Department/Employee #
    3 - Name
    4 - Employee #
    5 - Check Location/Name
    6 - Base Location/Name

    Substitute Pay Run (School Districts)

    Select the pay run for posting attendance for the substitute. You cannot use a pay run that was previously calculated.

    Employee Pay Run

    Select the pay run for posting the attendance. You cannot use a pay run that was previously calculated.

  6. Click OK.
  7. Click Yes.
  8. Enter your report settings, then click OK. The report's default file name is attpost.rpt.
  9. Click OK.

Add a Substitute Vacancy Record

20.11 and above.

  1. Choose Substitute Information on the action bar to open the Substitute Information page.
  2. Click Add New.
  3. Complete the fields as needed in the Substitute Data section.

    These are the same fields on the Substitute Data tab of the Attendance Information page.

  4. Click OK.

Edit a Substitute Vacancy Record From SFE

20.11 and above.

  1. Choose Substitute Information on the action bar to open the Substitute Information page.
  2. Enter criteria identifying the records, then click Search.
  3. In the List section, select the record you want to change, and then click OK.
  4. Change the desired fields.
  5. Click OK.


Employee Data Tab

This tab includes a section for entering the leave and a section displaying the employee's leave banks. Following are the fields for entering leave:



Employee Number

Employee's identification number. Display only.

Pay Code

Pay code containing a leave code that corresponds to one of the employee's leave banks. Note that the drop-down list includes all pay codes, not just those that relate to leave.

Start Date

Beginning date of the leave.

Stop Date

Ending date of the leave, which can be the same as the Start Date. The date range cannot include a holiday, weekend day, or other non-work day. For example, if the employee was on sick leave on Friday and Monday, you must enter a separate attendance record for each day.

If you want to include a non-work day in an attendance record, you can suspend date checking by using the Disable/Enable item on the Action Bar. You also can use this item when posting attendance.

Hours Or Days

Total hours or days of leave.


Brief note related to the leave.

Substitute Data Tab

The fields in this tab enable you to identify and pay the substitute employee who filled in for the regular employee. Your entries generate a timecard for the substitute when the attendance record is posted.



Substitute Employee

Employee ID of the substitute.

Pay Code

Pay code for paying the substitute, which defaults from the pay rate. If needed, you may select another pay code.


Job class from the substitute's pay rate. If needed, you may select another job class.

Pay Rate

The hourly or daily rate as a dollar amount. This defaults from the pay rate identified by the pay code and job class. You may change this as needed.


The total amount of the substitute's pay for this attendance entry (Pay Rate x Hours/Days). You may change this as needed.


Work location of the substitute's assignment. This defaults from the substitute's Personnel tab. If needed, you may select another location.



  • 0 - Zero %
  • A - Annual
  • B - Bi-weekly
  • M - Monthly
  • P - Supplemental %
  • S - Semimonthly
  • W - Weekly
  • X - X-User-defined
  • Y - Y User-defined
  • Z - Z User-defined

The pay frequency (A-Z) combines with the substitute's filing status to identify the federal tax table to use in pay run processing. If the pay is not subject to taxes, select 0 - Zero%.

*Budget Unit*

Budget unit for distributing the substitute's pay. To use the default distribution from the employee's primary pay rate, leave the field blank. You can override the default by entering another budget unit.


Account for distributing the substitute's pay in combination with the budget unit. To use the default account from the employee's primary pay rate, leave the field blank. You can override the default by entering another account.

The data in the following fields defaults from the Employee Data tab. You may change these values, as needed.

Start Date

The date that the substitute started working for this employee.

Stop Date

The last date that the substitute worked for this employee.

Hours Or Days

Total hours or days that the substitute worked. This value is used to calculate the Amount field in the Substitute tab.

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