Attendance Rollover
Use this option to reset leave banks for selected employees and roll over the past year's leave data, as determined by parameters set in the Leave table. You can also delete attendance data and reset leave banks that have negative balances.
The Attendance Rollover option generates the Leave Rollover report, which lists leave codes, prior balances, and new balances for employees. You can select employees by job class and pay group. For information on processing multiple job classes and pay groups, refer below to the Procedure section.
Menu Path: Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Year End > Attendance Rollover
Before running the Attendance Rollover option, generate and verify all reports needed for your year-end records.
Resetting and Rolling Over Leave Balances
The Attendance Rollover option must be run separately for each accrual type used in employees' records. The accrual types include:
A - Anniversary
F - Fiscal
M - Monthly
B - Pay Period Amount
P - Pay Period Rate
Rollover Criteria
The Attendance Rollover option uses the following criteria to either reset or roll over leave bank balances:
- If a leave bank's balance is less than zero and you select the Attendance Year Rollover page's Reset Leave Bank field, the Earned, Taken, and Balance fields of an employee's Leave Bank Data tab are reset to zero.
- If the Balance field on the Leave Bank Data tab is less than the Roll Limit on the Leave table, the leave bank's Earned and Taken fields are reset to zero, but the Balance field remains the same.
- If the Balance field on the Leave Bank record is greater than the Roll Limit on the Leave table, the leave bank's Earned and Taken fields are reset to zero, and the Balance is set to the table's Rollover Limit. Any leftover units are rolled to the leave bank identified in the table's Rollover Code field.
This option does not accrue leave. It clears the Balance, Taken YTD, and Earned YTD fields in the Employee Information page's Leave Bank tab and then rolls over leave as determined by the Leave table. For information on accruing leave at the end of the year, refer to Fiscal Leave Accrual.
Conditions for A - Anniversary Accrual Type
If you enter A - Anniversary as the accrual type, you must complete the Attendance Rollover page's Period End Date field.
- The software compares the employee's Last Paid date (Payroll tab), Leave Anniversary Date (Leave tab), and Attendance Rollover's Period End Date.
For the attendance rollover to occur, the Leave Anniversary Date must be greater than or equal to the Last Paid date but less than or equal to the Period End Date.
Resetting leave balances and rolling over designated leave types
- Select Human Resources > Periodic Routines > Year End > Attendance Rollover to display the Attendance Rollover page.
- In the Rollover Criteria section, enter criteria to identify the employees whose records you want to process. The section's fields include:
Class Enter the job class code assigned to employees' pay rates. Leave the field blank to roll over leave for all job classes or by the classes associated with the pay groups identified in the Pay Group field. To select multiple job classes, insert the pipe symbol between codes, for example, 1020|3450|4170.
Pay Group Enter pay group codes separated by the pipe symbol, for example, W|B|M or 1|2|3. Leave the field blank to roll over leave for all groups associated with the job classes selected.
Leaving both fields blank resets leave balances for all employees. In the Additional Criteria section, complete the following fields as needed:
Accrual Type
Identifies the accrual type of the leave records being reset or rolled. You can only enter one accrual type at a time.
A - Anniversary
F - Fiscal
M - Monthly
B - Pay Period Amount
P - Pay Period RatePeriod End Date
If you enter A - Anniversary as the accrual type, you must complete this field. Enter the date of the payroll for the year being processed. You cannot access the field for other accrual types.
Delete Attendance
Select this checkbox to delete attendance records for the employees selected.
Reset Leave Banks
Select this checkbox to reset leave banks with negative balances to zero.
- Click OK
- In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes.
- In the Print window, select the File or Screen radio button to set a destination for the Leave Rollover report.
The report is sorted by either Department or Check Location, as defined in the Payroll Journal Sort Order field in your Human Resources Profile. The report's default file name is rollover.rpt. - Click OK to begin processing and generate the report.
- When the rollover is complete, click OK in the Confirmation dialog.
A window displays confirming the number of leave banks cleared and the number of employees whose leave was rolled. - Click OK.