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Attendance Tracking

Use this option to generate a report on employee leave. Leave can be recorded in three ways: in timecards during pay run processing, by using the Employee Information page's Attendance item, or through Time Entry.

Menu Path:  Human Resources > Reports > Personnel > Attendance Tracking

Report Data

The Attendance Tracking report provides the hours taken and earned for paid and unpaid leave, as stored in employee leave banks. The leave data is listed by pay codes. Besides names and ID numbers, the report includes Social Security numbers, anniversary dates, hire dates, job class and department codes, and years of service.


The page's Social Security field is only available for users with the proper security resources. In addition, the display of employees' Social Security numbers in the report is determined by the user's security and the SSN Masking Method selected in the Human Resources Profile.

Generating the Attendance Tracking report

  1. Select Human Resources > Reports > Personnel > Attendance Tracking.

  2. In the Report Sort Options section, select Name or Department to set the report's sort order, and then click OK.

  3. In the Report Criteria section, enter criteria identifying the records to include, and then click OK. To run an advanced search, use the Advanced button.

  4. In the Print window, specify how to generate the report, and then click OK. The report's default file name is attranam.rpt for sorting by Name or attradpt.rpt for sorting by Department.

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