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Bank Account Information Table

Use this option to create a table linking fund and account combinations from Fund Accounting Organization Chart with bank account numbers. The relationship between these elements helps link payroll-related checks with bank accounts when you run the Bank Transmission File option in Human Resources.

You must set up a separate record for each Fund and Account combination that applies to your checking transactions. Usually, only one record is required for payroll checks per bank account, while accounts payable checks in Fund Accounting may require multiple records.

Menu Path

From the Fund Accounting menu, select Reference Tables. From the Fund Accounting menu, select Bank Account Information.

Add Bank Account Information Records

  1. On the Bank File Account Information page, click Add New.

  2. In the Bank Information Data section, complete the Bank Account, Fund, and Account fields. The Fee and Interest checkboxes are not used, leave them blank. Some labels may appear different based on your Fund Accounting profile.

  3. Click Accept to save the record.

Display Records

  1. On the Bank File Account Information page, in the Bank Account field:

    • Enter a bank account number to list table records for a specific bank account.

    • Enter criteria to identify a group of table records.

    • Leave the field blank to display all records in the table.

  2. Click Accept to display the records that match your criteria.

  3. Click Back to return to the Search Criteria section.

Change a Record

  1. Follow the steps to display records.

  2. In the List section, select the record you want to change.

  3. Click Accept to display the record in the Bank Information Data section.

  4. Change the Account field as needed. You cannot change the Bank Account and Budget Unit fields. These fields identify the record. Some labels may appear different based on your Fund Accounting profile.

  5. Click Accept to save your changes.

Delete a Record

  1. Follow the steps to display records.

  2. In the List section, select the record you want to delete.

  3. Click Delete.

  4. In the Confirmation dialog, click Yes.

Generate a Report of Bank Account Information Records

  1. Follow the steps to display records. The records listed will be included in your report.

  2. Click Print.

  3. In the Print window, enter settings for generating the Bank Account Organizations and Accounts report. The report's default file name is bankacct.rpt.

  4. Click OK to generate the report.

Fields and Descriptions



Bank Account

Number identifying a checking account. The bank account number, in combination with the Fund and Account numbers, identifies a Bank Account Information record.

The limit is 20 integers.

*Budget Unit*

Number identifying the disbursement fund reserved for payroll expenditures. Use Lookup to display the Organization Search page for locating and selecting a key organization.

Disbursement funds are defined in Fund Accounting’s Organization Chart as Level 1 records. If you do not use a disbursement fund, enter the fund that applies to your payroll transactions.


Number identifying the account for recording expenditures within the disbursement fund or its equivalent. Use Lookup to display the Account Search page for locating and selecting an account.


This field is not used for payroll records.

Checkbox indicating whether a service fee applies to your checking account.


This field is not used for payroll records.

Checkbox indicating whether your checking account earns interest.

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