Bank Transmission File Option
Use this option to generate a file for transmitting payroll or accounts payable check data to your bank.
Menu Path: Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Payroll > Bank Transmission File
Creating a Bank Transmission file
- Select Human Resources > Entry & Processing > Payroll > Bank Transmission File
Complete the following fields:
Layout Code
Identifies a Bank File Format Transmission record for formatting your file. You must start the code with the letter P for payroll checks or A for accounts payable checks.
File Name
Assigns a name to the file. You may change the default, which depends on the type of checks:
- Payroll Checks - pyrlchks.tpe
- Accounts Payable Checks - apchecks.tpe
If you are generating more than one transmission file, you must use a unique name to avoid overwriting a previous file.
Bank Account Number
Identifies the checking account. The selections in the drop-down list are from the Bank Account Information table. These records tie checking account numbers to fund/account combinations from your payroll records.
- In the Zero Void Amount checkbox, select the box to show void checks with zero amounts. Otherwise, the checks show their original amounts.
Enter criteria in the following fields to identify the issued checks to include in the transmission file:
Check Date
Selects checks by issue dates.
Check Number
Selects checks by check numbers.
- You can use query symbols in these fields to specify a range of checks. For example, >08152017 identifies all checks issued after August 15, 2017, while 10001:11000 matches check numbers 10001 through 11000.
- To select checks solely by dates or numbers, complete the desired field, and leave the other field blank. If both fields are blank, the system selects all checks in your database that are tied to the bank account specified in the Bank Account Number field.
Enter criteria in the following fields to identify the void checks to include in your transmission file:
Void Date
Selects void checks by their void dates. Leave the field blank to prevent void checks from being included.
Void Check Number
Selects void checks by their check numbers. Leave the field blank if you left the Void Date field blank or if you want to select checks based solely on their void dates.
You may use query symbols in either field to select a range of checks. See Step 4 for examples.
- Click OK.
- In the first Print window, you may accept or change the displayed file name, which is either the system default or the name you entered in Step 2.
- Click OK.
In the second Print window, enter settings for generating a report on the checks in your file. As with the transmission file, the default file name depends on the type of checks issued:
Report Title
Default File Name
Payroll Checks Issued
Accounts Payable Checks Issued
If you are storing the report, you may want to change the default name to avoid overwriting other reports.
- Click OK to generate the report.
- Review the report, which lists each check in the file as well as the total number of checks and their total amount. If the checks included are correct, send or transmit the file per your bank's instructions.
Keep in mind that you can re-run the Bank Transmission File option as many times as needed. To avoid sending duplicate check information, save the reports for comparison against future files.